It's like half the campaign of selling a record is trying to convince people that you're an artist. Well, I am an artist. This is what I do.

We were selling out venues, not just in London but also major cities in France and Germany before labels had even noticed what we were doing.

Making music has gotten easier; selling it has gotten harder. Making music has been democratized, but the market is in the hands of fascists.

Chicago is fun. We've spent a lot of time there, about 15 years. My wife's parents and family live in Chicago, so that's a big selling point.

I'm not just selling out Yankee Stadium; I'm selling out stadiums in Mexico, in Argentina - with my bachata. I try to stay true to what I do.

I love to meet my fans, and after every show I usually hang out for a few hours, talking to my fans, signing autographs, and selling T-shirts.

American democracy is spoiled by people buying everything in sight and then selling and buying everything in sight, including our politicians.

When I read about young designers selling 51 percent of their company to someone else, I cringe. I want to say, 'Don't do it - call me first.'

My first account was Neiman Marcus. I cold-called them just like I had cold-called businesses when I was selling fax machines for seven years.

When a stock is selling at a discount to liquidation value per share, a near rock-bottom appraisal, it is frequently an attractive investment.

When I came out of high school, my objective in life was to get a job selling used cars, but after trying for two weeks, nobody would hire me.

You wouldn't want to be called a sell-out by selling a product. Selling out was frowned on, whereas now you can major in it at business school.

Nobody has really grasped yet the great wealth that can be made selling data over the Web. There are 100 million potential customers out there.

If you've ever had somebody try to sell you something - people who can sell, they really are not manipulating you. They are selling themselves.

When somebody says the best thing you can do is be tough, the best thing you can do is use your brute force, then we're selling ourselves short.

If you start comparing my practice of law to what I could have been - selling bananas - you'll know why I gave money to the University of Texas.

Because cap and trade is enforced through the selling and trading of permits, it actually perpetuates the pollution it is supposed to eliminate.

It's definitely been a long, long... long, long, long, long, long journey since I was selling burnt CD's out of my backpack in downtown Oakland.

I read Naomi Klein's 'No Logo' when I was 15. It's one of the things that's shaped my relationship to fame - to endorsements, to selling things.

It's not that I don't want to be famous. It's just that I don't feel like the burden of responsibility on selling a film should be on the actors.

Man truly achieves his full human condition when he produces without being compelled by the physical necessity of selling himself as a commodity.

As long as I'm not selling out the people that ride or die with me, I'm glad I'm not an MC. I'm a motivational speaker. I'm not that rapper dude.

My very first job was selling pop off the back of a wagon. Then I went to work in a timber yard to save up for my bass amp and joined The Smiths.

Education is like the pooja ghar for us. We are never going to become a for-profit player in education. It will be akin to selling the pooja ghar.

I'd rather have a strong career, playing and selling records to a loyal audience, then having one record that exploded. That would be devastating.

When you're young, working in a warehouse or selling hot dogs, you look at work - at acting - as something precious. It gets you out of the stink.

If you're a cyber-criminal, the days of stealing data and then selling it for cash in the dark web - they're not so profitable as they used to be.

The simplest definition of advertising, and one that will probably meet the test of critical examination, is that advertising is selling in print.

The fans, in their minds, they think once you signed a deal, you sold out. So, in staying independent, I keep my freedom, and I'm not selling out.

When people were selling the politics of fear and division and destruction, we were talking about hope. We were talking about the politics of joy.

Maybe someday you can accuse somebody of being a poseur by selling out and playing blues music, but that's just not going to happen in my lifetime.

Nothing's so apt to undermine your confidence in a product as knowing that the commercial selling it has been approved by the company that makes it.

People want to talk about whether I have rock cred, whether I'm selling out, the theatricality, the gay stuff... Chill out! And just enjoy yourself.

If your selling access to somebody who is a future president or current secretary of state, or if there's an implication that you are, that matters.

When my books came out, they started selling but they started selling at a relatively consistent but low pace. And they started to pick up the pace.

I think that writing texts, publishing texts, selling texts in a physical book store is one of the important tools for breeding this new generation.

I've got a long list of things I consider to be selling out. But amongst that list, one of them is when you make art without putting your guard down.

All I can say, being young people being in a band, writing songs that we felt were great... we never felt that years later we'd be selling out shows.

For years, broadcasters didn't get a nickel out of retransmission consent. But broadcast content is what the cable industry was selling to customers.

When 'I'm Sorry' came out and became such a huge hit, that made 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' start selling. Then that became a huge, huge hit.

Now, we are selling over 5 million songs a day now. Isn't that unbelievable? That's 58 songs every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

Electronic Accounting Systems processed my little payrolls like one big payroll. I did the selling, and the people I hired did most of the operations.

I started selling out comedy clubs before I got to town with no advertising. I was selling out theaters just on the rumor that I was going to be there.

I enjoy touring. I enjoy recording the music, I enjoy dreaming it and I enjoy performing it. I also definitely enjoy selling it, because I like to eat.

Customers are your best teachers. Learning about your customer's beliefs, values, and priorities teaches you which selling points you should emphasize.

When you step off a plane into a place like Haiti, you're just surrounded by overwhelming stimulus: the people selling you things, asking you to engage.

Chicago was where I realized that improv is its own thing, its own art form. And through that, you kind of develop a work ethic of not selling it short.

We live, in North America in general, if I'm given the indulgence of selling us down the river, in a culture of fear of this connective sense of spirit.

I make an embarrassing amount of money for a borderline Marxist, just by selling 100,000 records. I don't sell millions of records, and I don't need to.

Buying new books supports the writer by providing both a royalty and an audience; a writer whose book sells well has a better chance of selling another.

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