Sow good services: sweet remembrances will grow from them.

Sow good services: sweet remembrances will grow from them.

I believe in public services.

I happen to love financial services.

Products are valued higher than services.

Infrastructure web services had to happen.

Israel's secret services are allowed to profile.

Most every dental school has discount dental services.

The financial services industry is a ward of the state.

Every community needs to get its fair share of services.

Substantial services growth is core to Boeing's strategy.

Great things happen when you converge services and devices.

Digital life and digital services are a multi-wave business.

Amazon led with online bookselling, web services, and drones.

All businesses need images to sell their products and services.

Memorial services are the cocktail parties of the geriatric set.

I am a freelancer. My services are available to anyone at any time.

Almost everyone will find something in our services worth paying for.

If you are not on the web, you will have problems accessing services.

Many people still regard many users of public services as undeserving.

I think anything which improves services is in principle a good thing.

Too many church services start at eleven sharp and end at twelve dull.

China's Web has grown away from just duplicating services from the U.S.

Privatisation splits hospital services into increasingly small packages.

I was born in Sweden, and in Sweden we are known for the piracy services.

If you're healthier, you tend to have a lower demand for health services.

All of our energy should be in sacrifice and services. Suffering, at least.

The secret of the Internet's success has been its openness to new services.

A sign of celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services.

The first commercial routers came out about 1986, and services came in 1987.

Our public services and the great people who work in them are improving lives.

The government is fully capable of delivering services. Even complex services.

The United States and Russian security services regularly exchange information.

I do think there is a value in the services of judges for long periods of time.

Now AOL is the grandma of online Web services. I mean, we don't need it anymore.

I really like streaming services. It's a great way for people to find your music.

It's difficult for any single company to develop all the applications and services.

Protecting the USPS means protecting the essential services it provides our nation.

Child Protective Services, all over the country, need to be revamped top to bottom.

How do we create new value? You create value by running services on the blockchain.

People with AIDS, cancer and other illnesses need free nonmedical support services.

The changing nature of money is only one facet of the financial services revolution.

The linkage between tax rates and public services is, if not non-existent, negative.

Aerospace services represents one of our biggest growth opportunities for the future.

I feel an independent accountability commission should audit all government services.

I want Britain to be the home of successful competitive and stable financial services.

Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.

As an actor we're just like workers in a factory, we provide our services to directors.

I built my church on Easter services, Christmas Eve services, and Norman Vincent Peale.

Far from being hostile to religion is capable of rendering religion important services.

People don't want charities to usurp the state as the core provider of social services.

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