Showing up is 80 percent of life.

Half the battle is just showing up.

90% of success in life is showing up

Eighty percent of success is showing up.

Ninety percent of life is just showing up.

I've been showing up late and dirty all my life.

To stay on the map you've got to keep showing up.

Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.

To stay on the map, you've got to keep showing up.

Showing up in the lives of children is everything.

You can beat 80% of the competition just by showing up.

Showing up is not all of life - but it counts for a lot.

[The Democrats] have got to do a better job of showing up.

I've got to keep showing up every day and putting in work.

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.

This isn't a very manly thing to do, not showing up for a fight.

Whether you like me or you don't, I still dig showing up for work.

Showing up is important and it is a big part of becoming successful.

The writer can't stop her unconscious from showing up, that's certain.

I can't thank you enough for showing up. It's not the same without you.

Life is a series of family photos in which eventually you stop showing up.

I'm all about showing up for my friends, especially when they need me the most.

Most of life is showing up. You do the best you can, which varies from day to day.

I make 50 cents for showing up... and the other 50 cents is based on my performance.

There is absolutely nothing that you can control except showing up and doing your job.

Showing up fully exactly where you are is the fastest way to get where you want to go!

Love has a funny way of showing up when you aren't looking for it and didn't plan on it.

Showing up is like 90 percent of the battle, and just make sure your hair is really cute.

It is important to show up. Showing up at marches and rallies and town halls and protests.

And it was pretty clear that no prince was showing up, or at least that he was really late.

It is scary for me to do a film by directly showing up on the sets without any preparation.

Success is an accident. Showing up, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, makes us accident-prone.

If 90% of success in life is showing up, the other 10% depends on what you're showing up for.

Acting is really about showing up that day and telling the writers what you feel like saying.

That's the cool thing about how my career has been - you never know where I'm showing up next.

The issue is, you're not going to have a lot of inflation showing up when you have no velocity.

I used to think Medium was a pretty pure place and then the MAGA hats started showing up here too.

For me, just showing up for the traveling and writing gave me the power to overcome my fear of fear.

Lost In Space fans are going to get organized, because we'll see them showing up in all the theatres.

There’s nothing more daring than showing up, putting ourselves out there and letting ourselves be seen.

That's what defines the best athletes: being capable of showing up year after year at the highest level.

We're not talking about insignificant amounts of code. It's substantial System V code showing up in Linux.

I do try to separate my personal activism - showing up at a demonstration or something - from what I write.

Instead of showing up to let everyone know how great we are, show up to find out how great everyone else is.

Nothing is better than showing up twice a week, acting like a 12 year-old for two hours, and then going home.

It's not easy not getting playing time, but you have to keep showing up and working your tail off to be ready.

The business of peace requires more than showing up with paint brushes, foodstuffs and an oil pipeline or two.

There's what is on screen and then for us, it's if you get along with the people and enjoy showing up at work.

You keep showing up here? Being who you are?' There was a pause. 'I'm going to fall in love with you.' -Rehvenge

A lot of people think it takes millions of dollars to give back or inspire, but just you showing up means a lot.

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