I like to wear classic silhouettes and add a punch to it.

Guys understand a waistline. They understand a silhouette.

Embrace an effortless a-line silhouette in the seasons must have indigo shades.

There are not many original shapes or silhouettes -- only a million variations.

What I really love about the Playboy bunny outfit, is it's all about a woman's silhouette.

Italians stay so true to their classic silhouettes and the things that they've always done.

The hardest thing in fashion is not to be known for a logo, but to be known for a silhouette.

Silhouettes are reductions, and racial stereotypes are also reductions of actual human beings.

It is most difficult to acquire the, how shall I say? the 'depth' of a subject in composition in silhouette.

As a writer and director, I want to know what is behind the good manners and soft voice. Who is inside the silhouette?

I live in L.A., so layers are essential to my wardrobe. I like slim silhouettes, typically, and I love good tailoring.

And what, for instance, would have happened had Romeo and Juliet lived to middle age, their silhouettes broadened by pasta?

A film is a great deal about what you see, and the silhouette of a character tells you a lot. I'd love to go into film costume.

Enhancing a woman's silhouette and enhancing a woman's beauty - both contribute to enhancing her confidence, so they're synonymous, really.

"Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?" asked Simon. "No," Jace said. "Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it."

About the Sauconys, there are a lot of sneakers that are not as marketed as heavily as like Nike but those silhouettes are still fresh. I'll always go to a Saucony.

One key element to Hitchcock is the drooping jowl. That was crucial because his silhouette is crucial. There is something about his silhouette that became his brand.

I love a loose-fitting skirt with a cinched waist. A feminine silhouette is a no-stress zone - it's comfortable and I don't have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions!

All my career, I've said this: Critics and producers think audiences want actors that only present the silhouette and hit the points in the silhouette. What I do is too dangerous.

I've never really had a waist. Even when I was at my slimmest, my silhouette was very straight up, straight down. But I have learnt how to give myself a bit of waist by optical illusion. For this, bring on the belts.

One must have a thorough knowledge of anatomy and a good perception of depth for silhouette work. Otherwise they resemble those childish picture cards, snipped out by some fool who doesn't know what he is trying to do.

Tina Turner is someone that I admire, because she made her strength feminine and sexy. Marilyn Monroe, because she was a curvy woman. I'm drawn to things that have the same kind of silhouettes as what she wore because our bodies are similar.

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