Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

I see similarities between Jackie Robinson and myself.

I tend to see the similarities in people and not the differences.

England and the U.S. definitely have their differences and similarities.

I let people draw their own conclusions about my similarities to Dale Sr.

I haven't seen too many similarities between Montreal and American cities.

I'm not Miley Cyrus. There may be some similarities, but I'm my own person.

If you lined up everyone I've ever dated, you wouldn't see any similarities.

I know Sanskrit, which has similarities with Tamil, so it helps me understand the language.

I feel I am the reincarnation of Duryodhan. There are lots of similarities between me and him.

We ignore the similarities between the religious extremism and ethno-nationalism at our peril.

I try to find some similarities between myself and the characters, even if it's the tiniest thing.

One of the reasons I started pursuing MMA was for all the similarities to pro wrestling that it has.

The differences that separate human beings are nothing compared to the similarities that bond us together.

There are similarities between business and sport, in the pressures involved and in the fitness aspect too.

In the range of music that we play - roughly 300 years' worth-there really are more similarities than differences.

Football and chess can seem like sporting polar opposites, but there are so many similarities with the modern game.

Ricky Baker is very different to me. You could see some similarities, but he's a little rebel. He's a rebellious kid.

People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.

There are a lot of similarities with film and TV, but also a lot of differences, especially in the way they film stuff.

They're each on separate coasts but I think that the deep Maine woods shares some similarities to the Pacific Northwest.

I'm compared to Kerouac, I suppose, because he traveled and rejected middle-class values, but the similarities end there.

Research shows that couples who have a lot of similarities, including intellectual compatibility, end up staying together.

Google went in a consumer direction, and VMware was system infrastructure. But there are a lot of parallels and similarities.

You've got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.

There are many similarities between Sai Baba and me. He believed there is only one God, and so do I. He loved Sufi music; so do I.

If you are going to tell a story about a child going missing, it's going to have similarities with a real life child going missing.

There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign - the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity.

I like New York. There are similarities with London that make it feel rather like home, but at the same time it's slightly fictional.

I have encountered thousands of value investors over the years and am constantly struck by their differences - and their similarities.

There's always some difference between your Latino and African-American communities. But we definitely have more similarities than differences.

The thing I noticed most from challenging from country to country is not the differences but the similarities. Wrestling fans are all the same.

One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge.

There is extraordinary similarities between the Midwest in America and Europe in that there is this sense of vast, open sky and loneliness and cold.

Of course the people in the Bullet Club will have similarities and always will, but finding what I can do as Adam Cole to be different is important.

Superficial similarities exist between Christianity and some ancient pagan religions. But careful study reveals that there are far more dissimilarities.

One of the things people don't really recognise about the similarities between country and hip-hop is that they're celebrations of pride in a lifestyle.

There are similarities between historical novels and science fiction. Being thrown into the Napoleonic Wars is just as much of a different world as space.

Ultimately, if you look at the characters in my films, you'll see a lot of similarities going all the way back to 'Swingers' with Vince Vaughn's character.

In Koreatown, the issues that they deal with are very different than the people in unincorporated East Los Angeles, even though there are some similarities.

There are some similarities, I think, with all the characters I play. I'm not a guy who sees the desire to transform with each part; I'm not a piece of clay.

I've seen comparisons between myself and Bobby Moore. It's nice to be told there are similarities, but nobody will come close to him - what a player, what a man!

Similarities in the vampire genre are so rampant that there's really no such thing as an original idea - only an original take on an idea that's been done before.

I find that there are a lot of similarities between French and Japanese food. I think they're two countries that have really systemized their cuisine and codified it.

I enjoy reading about the lives of musicians, and find many similarities in their ideas of preparation and their utter devotion to this great, eternal language: music.

For the Americans, it is not attractive to hear what the similarities are between them and the Iranian people. It is attractive to hear how different the Iranians are.

George was a late arrival at school and he was sort of put in my charge, and one of the immediate similarities was that we both enjoyed music - specifically Elton John.

I liked the energy of cooking, the action, the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it.

I think Ray Charles did as much as anybody when he did his country music album. Ray Charles broke down borders and showed the similarities between country music and R&B.

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