My mom was a single parent.

Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.

I was not prepared to live as a single parent.

organization is the religion of the single parent.

I was a single parent, and I was prohibited from working.

My mom, for all intents and purposes, was a single parent.

I don't get to make many choices in my life as a single parent.

Growing up an only child with a single parent is probably why I'm an actor.

Single parenthood is hard, but it's simple too. You just do everything yourself.

I can't tell you how much I respect all the single parents out there doing it all solo.

I don't think anyone imagines themselves being a single parent. But I don't have a choice.

In some ways, I'm slightly like a single parent, so I need to be able to provide for my family.

Because I grew up in a single parent home with my mom, growing up, things weren't always the best.

I'm always working, and I'm a single parent, so I don't think I have time for stuff most normal people do.

My mum Margaret was a single parent, but though life was a bit of a struggle she gave me every encouragement.

With the single parent model, you experience betrayal differently. You experience lying from your kids differently.

It's difficult. I'm a single parent now, and I'm having such a battle to see my kids on a daily basis. It's so hard.

Loving and parenting a dog as a single parent can create all sorts of new and unusual problems, but also new sources of joy.

We didn't have a whole lot of cash growing up. My mom was a single parent for a while before my stepdad came into the picture.

I don't think I realised how stressed I was, being a single parent. It was really, really stressful. It's not easy on anybody.

I was illustrating, and I was cleaning people's houses; I was doing whatever I could to take care of my kid as a single parent.

I was a solo parent. Not a single parent as far as I was concerned. Single parent implies that the other parent is around somewhere.

I'm a single parent, a working mother, an executive, and an author. My greatest accomplishment will be to raise three wonderful children.

I write from the same place I parent, and since becoming a single parent, I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to write anything of length.

I'm a single parent and it just wouldn't have been possible for me to carry on in 'Primeval' once filming of the show switched to Dublin for ten months.

To me, I'm the epitome of what a ghetto child is: I was raised by a single parent; I stayed in apartments my whole life; I don't think I've ever cut the grass.

I can understand why a single parent, working two jobs, would find it easier to stop at McDonald's with the kids rather than cook something from scratch at home.

Dr. Evil got shortchanged in the first one. The family dynamic between Scott and Dr. Evil - the adventures of being an evil single parent - needed to be explored.

I was incredibly shy and insecure as a child. I was bullied. I was dyslexic. I had an immigrant single parent. I was the opposite of that kind of ideal, cool girl thing.

It's really hard just making dinner as a single parent, but I'm figuring it out. I just have to be more focused and efficient with my little scraps of time that I do have.

The single best indicator of whether or not a child is going to be in poverty or not is whether or not they were raised by a two-parent household or a single parent household.

My family comes from Panama, and I grew up in a single parent household with my mother, who barely spoke English. She couldn't get a good job, yet there were four of us for her to raise.

When I heard 'Rockabye,' I was just blown away. It had been a long time since I had heard a song that had a message like that in it - about being a single parent and caring for your child.

It's tough working as a single parent, but I'm lucky enough to have chunks of time when I'm at home and a huge circle of friends and family, although my biggest extravagance is child care.

In 2013, 71 percent of black children in America were born to an unwed mother, as were 53 percent of Hispanic children and 36 percent of white children. Indeed, a single parent is the new norm.

Single parent situations drive poverty and often lead to unsupervised kids. Many boys growing up without fathers often feel angry and abandoned. Thus, they seek comfort in all the wrong places.

I knew going in that being a single parent would be one of the toughest jobs I'd ever have. I'd been a talk-show host, actor, comic, and on and on, but this gig was going to be my defining moment.

My mom had struggles. My dad had struggles. He raised me as a single parent. I rebelled and almost quit amateur boxing, but my faith in God had a lot to do with me slowly getting my life together.

The best situation is being a single parent. The best part about is that you get time off, too, because the kids are with their mom, so it's the best of both worlds. There's a lot to be said for it.

As a single parent, it can really be tough if the father's not in the picture much. Physically, emotionally and financially, you are trying to be there for your child and it can really get on top of you.

I came from a single parent household. And I had a bad example of what a husband and father could be and how irresponsible a father could be. So because of that, I didn't want to get married or have kids.

You know the things I went through as a youngster, coming into the business, all the good, the bad and the ugly that came. I'd had a rough life. I grew up single parent. My mom, she was like a father to me.

My mother was a single parent, a speech therapist who worked for a company that kept a substantial percentage of the income they billed for her to teach stroke victims in convalescent hospitals to talk again.

Passion has always been important to me. That won't change. What changes in a woman's perspective. I mean, I have two kids now. I'm a single parent balancing motherhood and my career. That changes the equation.

I've been a single parent for a long time. It reminds me of being a waitress. As you walk back to the kitchen, requests come at you from all sides. You're doing the job of two - you have to be highly organised.

My daughter is, of course, perfect. Everyone's child is, but mine really is perfect. But I could not have raised her without my parents. From the time she was seven months until now, I have been a single parent.

My son has godmothers, godfathers, grandparents and so many others in his life who love him as much as I do. They're there for both of us. I may not have a mate or husband, but I'm definitely not a single parent.

The hardest thing that I had to do every day as a working single parent was child care, to have to leave my child with people that I did not know and hope everything was OK, that was the most painful part of every day.

I had an amazing mother. She raised nine kids, practically as a single parent, which is the hardest thing in the world. Nine of us! Day in and day out. She had to make sure we all had an education and that we all felt loved.

My younger sister had kids before I did, and managed to earn a master's degree while raising them as a single parent. Now she's a brilliant second-grade teacher. I'm in awe of her ability to juggle everything and still be a great mother.

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