I loved doing sitcoms.

I decided sitcoms weren't for me.

Sitcoms are usually sweet with no viciousness.

There's a real sense of camaraderie with sitcoms.

People compose poetry, novels, sitcoms - for love.

Sitcoms are what got me excited about show business.

The trend now is to get away from stage bound sitcoms.

If Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be doing sitcoms.

Writing is the greatest thing about really good sitcoms.

I'll get to make a lot of money and do some bad sitcoms.

I was raised watching sitcoms, and I love long-form comedy.

I've done some sitcoms here and there, but nothing long term.

There are only about three really, really good sitcoms on the air.

I love sitcoms, and I grew up on sitcoms. That's my tasty junk food.

Sitcoms, I always figured that would be an easy gig, but man, it is not.

Though the contemporary shows are good, I prefer sitcoms like my father's.

Being Orthodox Jewish is kind of like being raised on like network sitcoms.

I love doing sitcoms. I love doing comedy. I love the whole shooting match.

I used to enjoy bad television, like really bad quiz programmes or sitcoms.

I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.

I never had any interest in sitcoms or motion pictures or anything like that.

A lot of sitcoms don't last more than four series. You could say it's mystic.

I watch sitcoms like Seinfeld, and here's a newsflash, but what a great show.

If sitcoms were easy to write, there'd be a lot of good ones, and there aren't.

I was born to do sitcoms, where you get an immediate response from the audience.

In British sitcoms, you can get five minutes of nothing before the story starts.

I had an attitude about some work, like television sitcoms. It was selling your soul.

I will not be doing any more sitcoms, unless it's my own or a movie or I'm directing.

Sitcoms are making a comeback, but you've got to have a little quirkiness in there now.

Emotionally, shows like 'Cheers' and 'Taxi' were classic sitcoms when I was growing up.

It feels like animation has a little more independence than traditional sitcoms ever did.

There are lots of comic bosses and fathers in sitcoms, but the comic landlord remains rare.

Sitcoms are usually given short shrift by the acting profession, but it's quite an amazing job.

I've always been terrible on regular sitcoms with lots of jokes. I don't know how to tell jokes.

I was in one of the first sitcoms that had a lot of Asians in it. It was called 'Gung Ho' on ABC.

I do have a regard for the musicality of language that came from BBC sitcoms like 'Fawlty Towers.'

I'm an actor first and foremost, who happens to do improv. I've also done sitcoms, I've done stage.

More teenagers go to movies or rent a tape of a movie than sit down and watch sitcoms on television.

I could have stayed in L.A. and done sitcoms for awhile and will probably go back and do one I hope.

There was a time when I couldn't watch sitcoms for a while because it was just cacophony, it was just noise.

I don't want to get pretentious, but there's an art to doing sitcoms; you have to make it work in that format.

I did a lot of sitcoms, and being funny isn't about being beautiful. Usually, beautiful people aren't the funny people.

When I was growing up, my mom didn't let me watch a lot of TV. She said I couldn't watch 'Friends' or that era of sitcoms.

As far as sitcoms go, I thought Jenna Elfman in 'Dharma and Greg' was a wonderful physical comedienne who had great timing.

Most sitcoms and cartoons, especially, you can rely on, because they go back to square one at the beginning of every episode.

Sitcoms are fun. The whole multi-cam genre is always a lot of fun. You throw a live audience in the mix, and it's even better.

Tina Fey is part of a generation of women who have changed the face of comedy at 'Second City,' 'SNL,' in sitcoms and in film.

I'm on the playstation, or else I go out and play football. I enjoy movies and sitcoms. I love reading motivational books too.

We certainly had our share of failures early on and worked on a bunch of canceled sitcoms, which were very helpful in learning.

There are so many sitcoms, especially in animation, that we've almost forgotten what animation was about - movement and visuals.

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