Snap into a Slim Jim!

I'm not slim and trim like Johnny Carson.

Seagulls . . . slim yachts of the element.

It's a slim margin of error in this league.

Will the real Slim Shady, please stand up?!

Ric Flair, the Slim Whitman of Pro-Wrestling.

The margin between winning and losing is slim.

I don't have slim children. I have hearty ones.

The Australian Book of Etiquette is a very slim volume.

How come "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?

Realistically, the chance of any book becoming a film is slim.

I have no sponsors because I am not blond, tall and slim enough

An embellished top with slim pants is great, even for a wedding.

I like to wear tight jeans. Most of my stuff is pretty slim fit.

At home I have big vats of cabbage soup that I make to slim down.

Frazier's got two chances. Slim, and none. And Slim just left town

Acting is like a high wire act. Your margin for error is very slim.

On this twelfth day of my diet I would rather die satiated than slim.

The author wishes to thank: Good fortune, Godiva chocolates, and Slim-Fast

The Hamsters really kick ass - Slim is one of your greatest guitar players

Compared to the big 19th-century novelists, I've got a slim volume of work.

I used to be able to slim down just by exercising more, but that's changed.

Working your obliques pulls everything together and gives you a slim waist.

I'm deleting all my editing apps I used to slim myself down and airbrush pics.

Well, we're on a never-ending quest to slim down. It's just very difficult for us.

Fresh air and exercise. That's all you need to stay slim and feel better about life.

I tend to be slim and you know, I actually can lose weight quicker than I can gain it.

I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be healthy mentally and physically.

I'm lucky that I have a supportive partner who loves me when I'm bigger as well as slim.

I was quite chubby, so when I started dancing professionally I had to work hard to stay slim.

There's always going to be a part of me that worries about not looking as slim as other actresses.

I like the brand Band of Outsiders. Their suits are cut really slim, for smaller framed gentlemen.

My writing has always been considered extremely important, even though I make slim-to-no money at it.

But my eyes were riveted on a small slim woman her hair simply coiled into her neck, Katherine Glasier.

I'm not saying that I won't tour again, but the chances are slim because my priorities are different now.

Flannery O'Connor's brief life and slim output were nonetheless marked by piercing powers of observation.

The state of radio is not great. It's like playing the lottery. The chances of hitting are mind boggling slim.

They [in the New York Times] are really, really bad people. The largest shareholder in the Times is Carlos Slim.

Young girls look to me as a role model and think I crash diet to keep slim. That's not true, I always eat properly.

Jill was tall and slim, like most Moroi. With that figure came a modest chest. Angeline's chest...was not so modest.

I'd love there to be more larger models, but it's just not going to happen. Designers love to design for slim girls.

There are people who you see on screen and think, 'Wow, that's a slim person,' and in the flesh they look nearly dead.

I have tried to make decisions to work with great directors, with good scripts, and that makes the pickings real slim.

I live in L.A., so layers are essential to my wardrobe. I like slim silhouettes, typically, and I love good tailoring.

In the beginning, I wanted to work with Slim Duncan. He actually passed away right around when I started making beats.

Fat people are so rarely included in visual culture that fat is perceived as a blot on the landscape of sleek and slim.

Many of us are tethered to bodies that sabotage us in our struggle to keep from getting fat, or to slim down when we do.

I don't believe in starving myself to be slim, I believe in the concept of being fit. I eat right and work out regularly.

Oh, I listened to a lot of the blues. I love the blues. You know, Slim Harpo, people like that, and Sonny Boy Williamson.

I didn't get fat even when I was pregnant. You have to work very hard at staying slim, and it's a bore. But it's worth it.

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