You only have so much time in a day.

You only have so much time on this planet.

I spend so much time hoping things for myself.

So much time is wasted on trying to be better than others.

I do limit my exposure to the public. You only have so much time.

BB Ki Vines is my baby. I have put so much time and heart into it.

We spent so much time on 'Every Kingdom,' it was a real heart record.

I really wanted to do 'Darna.' I invested so much time, so much effort.

You spend so much time as a writer telling straight and linear stories.

I feel guilty about spending so much time away from home and loved ones.

I still don't know why batsmen are taking so much time to figure me out.

Canadians still spend so much time discussing what it means to be Canadian.

You spend so much time in your profession it ought to be something you love.

It's cool when fans spend so much time making things for me. It means a lot.

The Olympics are what I work for. They're why I spend so much time in the gym.

It took me so much time to build my confidence and say that I can take on more.

We don't spend so much time on the opponent that we forget it's really about us.

I only have so much time and energy and money, and I'm going to put it into my work.

Having spent so much time in a fictional world, I prefer to read about the real world.

Writing is solitary. You spend so much time alone and in your own mind, telling stories.

I honestly don't listen to a lot of music - I spend so much time working at my own music.

You spend so much time in a studio writing for other people, you forget you sing, you know?

The fact that I have had so much time to be a dad and to be around my children is brilliant.

In '24,' you spend so much time with your faces really close, eye contact with such intensity.

I watch 'House of Cards,' which was great. I don't watch a lot. I spend so much time doing it.

We spend so much time sublimatin', thinkin' about, 'What am I going to have for lunch, dinner?'

I spend so much time in front of mirrors as part of my job that I try to avoid them outside work.

Larry Fitzgerald, I've spent so much time with him, he's one of my favorites and one of the best.

That's the thing about TV: it gives you so much time to tell your story; it's comparable to comics.

I always do makeup touch-ups myself, especially for blood, wounds, and dirt. It saves so much time.

I want true love, because I don't have so much time, and I want to spend my time with the right girl.

I spend so much time in fear of going broke, and I never have been even remotely close to going broke.

What people don't consider is that tech is a really personal purchase. You spend so much time using it.

Whenever you put so much time and effort into one single game, and you go out there and lose, it sucks.

If you're too smart it can limit you because you spend so much time thinking that you don't do anything.

Films take up so much time, and with theatre, you do have to plan a period of time that you can be free.

Politicians in Italy seem to spend so much time giving interviews, they don't have time to make the laws.

I feel more at home in Chennai and Hyderabad than in Mumbai since I spend so much time in these two cities.

I spend so much time running around and traveling, being present in the current moment is good enough for me.

Biking takes so much time. You need three hours to get in a good ride. In one hour, you can get in a good run.

I feel like you only have so much time to make stuff. I'm definitely aware of that. I'm also excited about it.

I would rather do a project that I've invested so much time to, rather than try to get a part on another show.

My goal is to make the biggest difference possible in the world. I have only so many resources and so much time.

If feminism wasn't powerful, if feminism wasn't influential, people wouldn't spend so much time putting it down.

As a goalkeeper, you have so much time back there where you're alone, and you're talking to yourself in your head.

I think that I've been pigeon-holed by virtue of the fact that I've spent so much time in front of a green screen.

One thing I'm not going to do is chase staying alive. You spend so much time chasing staying alive, you won't live.

I really need so much time to really make headway on a novel that requires me to disappear from the world in a way.

My mom rebuilt our family. That's why my dad spent so much time talking about my mom, who he's incredibly proud of.

I'm always excited about music, but having spent so much time in its pursuit - well, my musical life is complicated.

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