Dej Loaf's solid.

I'm a solid fighter.

I loved 'Solid Gold!'

I always treat camo as a solid.

Mark de Mori is a solid operator.

Paul Ryan is a solid conservative.

IBM has a very solid business image.

A band is as solid as its drummer is.

I'm fortunate to have a solid fan base.

I love a woman who's solid in her shoes.

Radio voices have a solid, even texture.

I think McGee is a pretty solid character.

So it takes years to make a solid company.

I want to make a good, solid kung fu movie.

Baltimore and Detroit - they are solid cities.

I'm not a solid enough actor to have techniques.

Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.

Invest in good, solid companies in good sectors.

All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.

Teaching is so solid and reliable, comedy is not.

My ambitions were always to be a solid SPL player.

Cersei in 'Game of Thrones' is quite solid and stiff.

I try to wrestle one time a week with good, solid people.

I'd love to be at 250, 255, but just be fit and be solid.

We wanted the language to feel fresh, fun, and rock solid.

Show business offers more solid promises than Catholicism.

The outfield is solid, so is the catching and the infield.

I'm not a big punk fan, but I love a good, solid screamer.

Excellence can be as strong a uniting force as solid vision.

I have to make sure I get eight hours of solid sleep a night.

You dream about getting to be a part of really solid projects.

T.N. Seetharam is known for solid work in television and film.

They scored 26 points in three quarters. That's solid defense.

My upbringing was solid because of the people I had around me.

I feel like investing in really solid stuff that I can control.

I spent a good solid two years giving my all to Adrenaline Mob.

I have found that hollow, which even I had relied on for solid.

The hits and the misses. I just want to keep the at-bats solid.

The man who treasures his friends is usually solid gold himself.

At twenty-one, so many things appear solid, permanent, untenable.

'Dark Blue' was a really solid show, and it stopped at season two.

In any solid, good relationship, it takes a while to trust someone.

The people who you think are the most solid are often the most hurt.

There are very few solid family films. A lot of the writing is awful.

A solid foundation in genetics is increasingly important for everyone.

If we look at pricing holistically, we'll create a more solid business.

A solid sense of self will help a person to lead a full and happy life.

Once we did 'Torches,' we were on the road for almost a solid two years.

When I'm in training, I eat no solid food except hot dogs for six weeks.

In 1985, the Iranian sponsorship of terrorism was clear, solid evidence.

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