Sometimes, language is the sound of longing

Sometimes when you open a book, time stops.

Sometimes I write well when I'm very upset.

Sometimes I have songs born out of stories.

Few sometimes may know, when thousands err.

Sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed.

You know sometimes words have two meanings.

Sometimes integrity is a punch in the face.

I sometimes think that theatre is a torture.

I'm vaguely embarrassed by myself sometimes.

Sometimes one succeeds, sometimes one fails.

Sometimes success is disguised as hard work.

The straight path must sometimes be crooked.

Sometimes I just wish nobody knew who I was.

Sometimes the only answer to death is lunch.

Sometimes democracy must be bathed in blood.

And sometimes we die to prove that we lived.

The best of us must sometimes eat our words.

Sometimes the Good is the enemy of the BEST!

It's better sometimes to be lucky than good.

You've got to suffer for your art sometimes!

Sometimes you have to be silent to be heard.

Nothing is sometimes the right thing to say.

Sometimes videos make a bad song very tight.

Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.

Sometimes I’m afraid that I’m losing myself.

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.

I suppose we all lie to ourselves sometimes.

Sometimes you have to lie to tell the truth.

Sometimes people forget their own greatness.

sometimes, when the sun shines, it scorches.

Sometimes it's hard to face your

I sometimes draw just for its own enjoyment.

I can't even lie: Sometimes, I be antisocial.

Sometimes the pain outweighs the good things.

Sometimes even the imagination lets one down.

I'm somebody who plays the piano... sometimes

Truth may sometimes hurt, but delusion harms.

Sometimes the best things look the strangest.

Sometimes dead wasn’t dead enough.’ – Sundown

Everybody has to write out of rage sometimes.

Sometimes,doing nothing is the best reaction.

Sometimes in life, you will get knocked down.

You know, I sometimes think we Sort too soon.

Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly.

Sometimes blessings come in strange packages.

Sometimes things don't work like they should.

The story sometimes writes you into a corner.

Sometimes quantity has a quality all its own.

Sometimes I'm angry, sometimes I'm not angry.

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