Sometimes living takes more courage than dying.

Men are sometimes hanged for telling the truth.

Sometimes, the hardest thing was doing nothing.

Sometimes you have to learn how to shoot first.

Sometimes miracles occur only when you jump in.

Sometimes I breathe you in and I know you know.

I can be very lazy sometimes. Really lethargic!

To do what you love can sometimes be stressful.

Sometimes...I just want to run away from it all

Sometimes, to be silent is to be most eloquent.

Sometimes paranoia's just having all the facts.

I'm like everybody else. I get tired sometimes.

Sometimes we have to be judged by our one-offs.

Sometimes you must go against the wheel's turn.

Sometimes I feel like the corner in the circle.

Sometimes broken things deserve to be repaired.

Sometimes in a movie, the lines are so perfect.

Thinking is difficult and sometimes unpleasant.

Sometimes the people we meet change us forever.

I like a good boy, but sometimes you get bored.

Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.

Sometimes you only get to win one championship.

War, sometimes you have to go for it, you know?

Sometimes growing pains are by fits and starts.

Sometimes your gut is right. And sometimes not.

Sometimes I stagger even myself with my genius.

Silence, always my fortress, sometimes my prison

Sometimes I snore, like when I get really tired.

Sometimes you have to fight in order to be free.

Sometimes my colleagues joke and call me Hannah.

Friends are sometimes boring, but enemies never.

Sometimes we need to speak oddly to see clearly.

Sometimes we forget that sin really is optional.

Knowledge and belief are sometimes worlds apart.

Sometimes a fool has talent, but never judgment.

Even the good Homer is sometimes caught napping.

Sometimes the loudest cries for help are silent.

Sometimes I feel the music is the only medicine.

Sometimes you are the answer to your own prayer.

Sometimes you want to make your own experiences.

Sometimes it's easier to show than it is to tell

Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.

I have a problem sometimes with being too hyper.

Principles are sometimes an unaffordable luxury.

Sometimes a man has to cry. Even if he is a man.

Sometimes my art is just an illusion - or is it?

Sometimes the price of dreams is achieving them.

Never stop! Slow down sometimes, but never stop!

Great men are sometimes so even in small things.

Sometimes I wonder if all my friends are insane.

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