My signature is like a squished spider.

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.

His ambition is to be the spider in the World Wide Web.

The guy has to kill the spider and get the dead mouse outta the pool.

When I go to the garage to pick up my clubs, I clean the spider webs off.

I turn into a crying, hysterical maniac when I see a spider. It's pathetic.

To borrow from the writings of a spider named Charlotte: 'Silk is terrific!'

If I see a spider in my room, I gotta sleep on the couch for, like, two days.

One cannot separate the spider web's form from the way in which it originated.

I was into Spider Man when I was a kid and that was the only comic I've ever read.

Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.

Spider and heights are much easier than beating a man at the Ally Pally, any day of the week!

I have an Apple computer, which I use to play Spider Solitaire and do research on the Internet.

Madonna's like a black widow spider. She tends to use people, then they shrivel up and disappear.

I've got spider veins all over my legs, so I wear opaque tights all winter. All sorts of colours.

I was a kid of the '90s, so I was always inspired by Gwen Stefani, especially the 'Spider Web' video.

For me, each day begins and ends with wanting to learn a little more about the secrets of spider silk.

It appears to me that almost any man may like the spider spin from his own inwards his own airy citadel.

I can't even handle a spider in my bathtub. I'm scared of the dark, and I've got ultimate, epic bug phobia.

We now fly with an airbus, which has 210 seats, six times the week to Palma to the spider of the air Berlin.

If I see a spider in my house, I put it in a cup, and then I take it outside. I save it. What is wrong with me?

The difference between utility and utility plus beauty is the difference between telephone wires and the spider web.

I grew up as a child living 'Red Dawn.' I was leaping out of spider holes, mowing down Russkies at the age of eight.

I think this journal will be disadvantageous for me, for I spend my time now like a spider spinning my own entrails.

Touch but a cobweb in Westminster Hall, and the old spider of the law is out upon you with all his vermin at his heels.

Seamless, careful, by-the-book performance provides no evidence of what the spider's thinking about the fly enmeshed in its web.

Weirdly, my nickname was Lady. I didn't get Stretch, or Stilts, or Spider Legs - I got Lady. I guess I was always a bit ladylike.

It's like going to the zoo when you come to my house. I have snakes, three sharks, moray eels, piranhas, five scorpions and a bird spider.

Look at spiders. They use about eight different properties of silk for different functions. The spider is like a multimaterial 3D printer.

Mumbai is a spider web. You do a film and make 10 connections and do something else and make 10 more connections. You keep moving like that.

People will be able to survive, of course, without honeycreepers and monk seals. But if the wolf spider is in trouble, we are in trouble, too.

I have one computer that my wife gave me. All I know how to do, and I do it every day, is play Spider Solitaire. And I don't have a cell phone.

I don't like creepy-crawly stuff. Girls can pick up a spider and just chuck it out of the window. No way, I'm not doing that. I actually scream.

I don't handle creepy crawlers well. I had a spider problem at a house in Australia, and one of my female friends had to come rescue me from it.

The next time you see a spider web, please, pause and look a little closer. You'll be seeing one of the most high-performance materials known to man.

I liked teaching Henry James. When you look down at a Henry James novel from a helicopter height, you find an intricate spider web that all clings together.

There are songs from dreams that I had. Relationships, I get a lot of inspo from those. I mean, I've written a song about a spider. It comes from everywhere.

Comedians are ridiculously oversensitive, so, especially with the Internet, you feel everything, like a spider on a web going, 'Oh God, I'm getting stomped'.

Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.

If I see a spider in the flat, I try to get a cup and a piece of paper and throw it out of the window. I can't kill them because they're good for catching flies.

Every generation has their favorite Spider-Man television show. For a lot of us, it's the one that has the song, 'Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can.'

Before I found out you couldn't get bitten by a radioactive spider and shoot webs out of your wrist, I wanted to be a superhero when I grew up - until I was, like, 8.

I freak out when I see a spider. I was doing an interview once, and there was this really big, furry spider crawling up the tripod, and I was like, 'I can't do this!'

The juggernaut that is steampunk, like Dr. Loveless's giant mechanical spider in the 1999 film version of 'The Wild, Wild West,' seems capable of crushing all naysayers.

The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web.

I have snakes, three sharks, moray eels, piranhas, five scorpions and a bird spider. All of them are predators. They are dangerous but it's cool to have strong and powerful pets.

It's actually pretty complex, because there's two levels of reality in the narrative. One is what really took place, and the other is Spider's poisoned version of what took place.

It's quite difficult to take a superhero movie seriously because everything is heightened. A kid being bitten by a radioactive spider and getting superpowers is kind of ridiculous.

I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It got me as I was coming out of the shower. I'd never seen that kind of spider before, I'm from Canada and we don't get those types up there.

If I'm interviewing someone I need to know everything about them - I do these massive spider diagrams. Everything under different categories, and certain questions in other categories.

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