I'm standing up for the American people.

Sometimes you pay a price for standing up.

I don't regret standing up to Gamergate at all.

I don't mind standing up for what I believe in.

We need to start standing up for freedom and liberty.

I was always drawn to standing up in front of people.

Standing up and teaching is grueling, but grueling fun.

Women standing up for each other is critically important.

Acting is standing up naked and turning around very slowly.

Standing up to bullies is the hallmark of a civilized society.

I don't like doing stand-up, because I don't like standing up.

Nothing is as important as standing up for what you believe in.

Being 'pro-life' means standing up for all life, valuing all life.

Women are standing up and leaning forward and asserting their power.

Sometimes standing up for things that are right makes things tougher.

As a woman standing up here, we have to fight for the rights of women.

I'm still standing up there tall and strong every night that I perform.

I can sleep anywhere. I can fall asleep standing up, literally anywhere.

I think my worst nightmare is standing up in front of a group of people.

Unlike Mitt Romney, President Obama is standing up for Planned Parenthood.

Standing up to Ahmadinejad is not a partisan issue and should never be one.

People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up.

Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?

I am committed to standing up for the LGBTQ community and being a strong voice.

I'd much rather be liked because people realize that I'm standing up for myself.

Everything in life is about standing up and making the most of your opportunities.

You could say that by standing up to Russia, the U.S. is finally getting some balls.

Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.

Sometimes people can be wary of standing up... but I don't have a problem doing that.

I will never apologize for standing up for my fellow Teamsters and all American workers.

My family are so proud of me for standing up for marginalised people in nerd communities.

Frederick Douglass had to teach himself how to read before standing up to defeat slavery.

It's great to see women standing up in their own line of work and fighting for fair value.

I'm a professional fighter. My game plan is to fight standing up and to fight on the ground.

We're Americans. We shape our own future. Let's start by standing up for President Barack Obama.

I think dad would be very proud of young people standing up to promote truth, justice and equality.

I'm standing up thinking. Anybody who wants to listen is welcome. If not, I'm happy to see them go.

I will never apologize for standing up against oppression and injustice in Israel or anywhere else.

But instead of standing up for reason, our government is handing education over to the world of faith.

Most of the day I work standing up, as I once read somewhere that it's the best position for the back.

Standing up for what you believe in and being honest, telling the truth are all very liberating things.

We have some amazing people that are standing up for transgender people, and it's very cool to see that.

I urge everyone - men, boys, women and girls - to join me in standing up for girls' rights with Plan U.K.

People don't know what it's like standing up there onstage, when you have a wall of people smiling at you.

Since I was a teenager I have been standing up to antisemitism, racism and discrimination in all its forms.

Passion and standing up for things can help create a sense of unity. But you still have to act a certain way.

Conor McGregor is a tough competitor. He proved throughout the years in the UFC that he can fight standing up.

Standing up for Israel at home validates those fundamental principles of freedom enshrined in our Constitution.

I think standing up for facts and decency is important, and we should've done more of it back in 2015 and 2016.

Congress is a co-equal branch of government, with a long and rich history of standing up to the executive branch.

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