I've always stayed hungry.

I have always stayed true to my craft.

I stayed in the Navy until July of 1946.

I've always worked hard and stayed focused.

We always stayed true to what the Ramones are.

We stayed in some pretty shabby places in Europe.

Religion has stayed with me even though I rebelled.

My parents divorced when I was six but stayed close.

After a hellish decade, my son got and stayed sober.

Electroclash is good because it's stayed underground.

I have always stayed focused, working to the fullest.

I stayed close to my family. My family never changed.

I've stayed good friends with most of my girlfriends.

If I'd stayed at college I would have become a teacher.

I stayed in show business to pay for my animal business.

My friends went on gap years and I just stayed in London.

I don't know that I'd be a comedian if I stayed in Canada.

I stayed true to my dreams and, eventually, they came true.

I would be copping out if I stayed in the myth of the '60s.

I'd like to have stayed in the Scouts beyond the age of 12.

I am most proud that I stayed true to the music of my soul.

I've stayed away from sexy roles. It's never interested me.

I've stayed friends with the boys I've known since I was 10.

I wish I had stayed and finished my career here in New York.

I've always stayed really close with my mother and my father.

I have always stayed away from TV. It never made sense to me.

I've stayed away from the actual L.A. scene for most of my life.

I went to college in Vermont, and then stayed in the East Coast.

If I knew I couldn't win races, I would have stayed in the States.

I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.

I left for Petersburg in August, 1871 and stayed there until 1879.

I learned to love bluegrass, but my first love stayed hard country.

Families used to come from somewhere, and that's where they stayed.

Very few people deserted me when I went to prison. They stayed loyal.

I stayed a virgin until I was 23. I didn't do drugs or drink or smoke.

My best mates are my mates from school, and we have always stayed close.

I'm in Atlanta all the time shooting and recording. That's why I stayed.

I stayed in a really old hotel last night. They sent me a wake-up letter.

I have no idea what would have happened to me had I stayed at Motherwell.

As an Olympic champion gymnast, I have always stayed involved in my sport.

I am smarter because I stayed in school, and I am a better football player.

If only Vivien Leigh had stayed in England, that part would have been mine.

I stayed in New York City for the first time, I'd always wanted to do that.

I stayed at Morgan Stanley for 27 years because it was fun. I kept learning.

'Milk' doesn't imply that all gay men who stayed in the closet were cowards.

If only I'd stayed on the West Coast, I might have made something of myself.

I stayed on my own path and did not follow the herd. I made a way for myself.

The places I've worked in the past, I always stayed three years and moved on.

At Juilliard, I couldn't afford to have fun. I went to school and stayed home.

They stayed by my side the whole time - my teammates, family and all the fans.

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