I am all for stem cell research.

We need to beef up STEM education.

My greatest ideas stem from running.

Flower and thorn are in the same stem.

Love thou rose, yet leave it on its stem.

Adult stem cells tend not to form tumors.

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.

When I was in high school I was 250 pounds.

Love thou the rose, yet leave it on its stem.

Love thou the rose, yet leave it on its stem.

There is a melancholy that stems from greatness

What we do stems directly from what we believe.

The possibility of pain is where love stems from

Stem cells are probably going to be extremely useful.

We, in Syria, our point of view stems from our experience.

I am incredibly self-deprecating. It stems from self-doubt.

Morality is always derivative. It stems from one's worldview.

When I was in high school, I was voted most likely to succeed.

Many of my deepest insecurities stem from my issues with my dad.

Confidence in oneself stems from the trust one has in knowledge.

For many phenomena, 80% of consequences stem from 20% of the causes.

With color one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft.

I support stem cell research, including embryonic stem cell research.

All evil stems from this-that we do. Know how to handle your solitude.

There are lots of other issues in policy including the stem cell issue.

We need more STEM grads, and we need to quit equipping our competitors.

STEM education is an area where we can't afford to leave anyone behind.

I'm a geek, I like to code, I even like to use spreadsheets when I cook.

Misogyny is at the reptilian brain stem of a lot of right-wing politics.

Many of the insights of the saint stem from their experience as sinners.

Brilliantly lit from stem to stern, she looked like a sagging birthday cake.

Yes, I can do the cherry stem trick. All girls in my high school could do it.

Success should stem from entrepreneurial creativity, not political connectivity.

Stem cell research can revolutionize medicine, more than anything since antibiotics.

True respectability stems not from the will of the majority but from proper reasoning.

Continuing advances in stem cell medicine will change all of our lives for the better.

Writing is something that I've always loved. That stems from my love of being a reader.

Freedom is the only thing we must demand in life, for all other good things stem from it

From its earliest days, stem cell research has been important to the people of Wisconsin.

Today's advanced STEM graduate could be tomorrow's world-class, world-changing scientist.

If I'm soloing, I usually try to start with a theme, which will often stem from the blues.

If we don't somehow stem the tide of childhood obesity, we're going to have a huge problem.

In fact, many nations currently refuse to support embryonic stem cell research of any kind.

Once the return tide starts, it will be impossible to stem it, and it will prove our undoing.

That's the original problem from which the escalator mess stems. There's just too many of them.

As the father of three daughters, I can tell you, not every kid is cut out to be a STEM graduate.

. . . [R]estlessness usually stems from pride and from being discontented with one's lot in life.

I wholeheartedly support umbilical stem cell research, but also support embryonic stem cell research.

Ripe avocados should be soft, not squishy, and you should be able to flick the little stem off easily.

Stem cell research holds out the promise of finding cures and treatments for a wide range of diseases.

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