Elvis stole his sideburns from me.

I won't lie, I stole a lot of ideas from Giampaolo.

Justin Bieber stole my haircut. And Axl Rose stole my dance!

Very few of my books are about who stole the Maltese Falcon.

Half of 'Mudbound' were shots I stole in between other scenes.

When I had kids, I became a better actor. I just stole from them.

I stole everything I ever heard, but mostly I stole from the horns.

When I was five - it's not even bad - I stole a sweet from the sweet shop.

It wasn't really me who invented rap. I stole the idea from Aristide Bruant.

Kristi Yamaguchi stole my heart in 1992, and I've never been the same since.

Stole my first name from 'Evening in Paris' and the second from Elizabeth Arden.

People say I stole a lot of bases. I stole the bases for a reason. I crossed the plate.

If I got Corey Graves into a fisticuffs, I would beat him down like he stole something.

I write my own quotes. Except this one. I obviously stole this from somebody really clever.

One time I spent more than $40 on groceries, and my bank thought someone stole my debit card.

If someone stole your keys to encrypt the data, it didn't matter how secure the algorithms were.

My father was the funniest guy I ever met. I'm not sure if I stole his stuff or if I inherited it.

What white man can say I never stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet they say that I am a thief.

Prometheus heretofore went up to Heaven, and stole fire from thence. Have not I as much Boldness as he?

I don't think I've ever had a conversation with a comedian who stole except for when it's been in anger.

Everybody in America who didn't come over the Bering Strait ice bridge stole his land from somebody else.

The committee's finding that China stole sensitive technology from U.S. weapons research labs is alarming.

Everything I know, I stole directly from Ace Frehley, Angus Young, and Keith Richards. That's how you learn.

My publicist told me not to talk about politics but, yes, I think we have a president who stole the election.

My father and mother - I figured if I could make them laugh, they'd stop fighting. I stole all their material.

Because someone stole Gregory Peck's star on Hollywood Blvd., I have hired a Brink's guard to protect my star!

I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because whoever stole it is spending less than my wife.

Hannibal Lecter stole Leatherface's mask and ported the slasher conventions into the thriller for the early '90s.

My view on candidates on money is unless it's proven that the donor stole the money, the campaign keeps the money.

I grew up watching the Williams sisters. I did a lot of research on Serena and kind of stole some things from her.

My songwriting and my style became more complex as I listened, learned, borrowed and stole and put my music together.

Let us not forget that the greatest composers were also the greatest thieves. They stole from everyone and everywhere.

The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the country they stole from red people.

I actually used to smile a lot in pictures. I think I only stopped smiling when I got into fashion. Fashion stole my smile!

Paul Nixon taught me to break a run chase down into little targets. I suppose I stole his cues and took them into my own game.

Radio allowed me to be a creator, and TV stole that creation from me by literalizing - and to some extent limiting - my vision.

In fact, my son learned his first swear word from E.T. at age five. The way I look at it, E.T. stole a bit of my son's childhood.

Sure, Maryse is the Divas Champion, but I find it no coincidence that she supposedly got 'hurt' the week after she stole my title.

I stole comic books from my brother when I was a kid, but I was never like an avid fan. I can't claim to be like a comic book geek.

I grew up pretty much prevented from knowing anything from Communist China except that they were the bad guys that stole our country.

The brutal history of colonialism is one in which white people literally stole land and people for their own gain and material wealth.

For decades, without so much as a peep from the Trump-hating establishment, China manipulated its currency and stole American technology.

There's always a risk that your iPhone can be stolen, and the people who stole it can use the data, your private photos, etc. to blackmail you.

I love finding talents to pair my music with such as Conrad on 'Firestone', Parson James with 'Stole the Show,' and Will Heard on 'Nothing Left.'

It's almost kind of satisfying when you get direct proof that someone stole your bit. It makes the times you had the paranoid suspicion feel less crazy.

I started using vinyl because I stole all my parents' records when I was 10. I didn't think about sound quality then, but I always loved how they sounded.

I stole a significant amount of money from a family member. I knew I was going to get caught, but I was so desperate I didn't care. It was a cry for help.

I am the elected president of Liberia, not Ellen Sirleaf. They stole my victory, and I am here to say loud and clear that I am the winner of the elections.

I'd had no particular interest in the Southwest at all as a young girl, and I was completely surprised that the desert stole my heart to the extent it did.

The last thing I stole was a box of Coca Cola from a parked truck in Adelaide. I was nice and drunk. It was New Year's Eve. And that was about 28 years ago.

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