Stories only happen to people who can tell them.

Faith comes from listening to the right stories.

I love sharing my story. It's endlessly healing.

We are defined by the stories we tell ourselves.

People who understand everything get no stories.

A lie hides the truth. A story tries to find it.

I've been taking longer to write stories lately.

The greatest story commandment is: Make me care.

What's the use of stories that aren't even true?

Don't have too much story for the time you have.

Stories are the reproductive organs of language.

You say their stories, it is gift they give you.

Who does it hurt? That's who the story is about.

I'm trying to tell a story and do it truthfully.

An idea might spark an essay, but never a story.

What a writer brings to any story is an attitude

The story is not in the plot but in the telling.

I just knew there were stories I wanted to tell.

Stories are the currency of human relationships.

Words are how we think; stories are how we link.

You are always someones favorite unfolding story

Great stories happen to those who can tell them.

I'm only interested in rites of passage stories.

History is a story written by the finger of God.

Lie to me by the moonlight. Do a fabulous story.

A story is not only meaning, it's music as well.

People tend to take stories literally these days.

I am keen to work in romantic stories and dramas.

Who am I? And how, I wonder, will this story end?

A good story can take you on a fantastic journey.

Good stories are not written. They are rewritten.

The story of each stone leads back to a mountain.

Some stories are so familiar its like going home.

If you haven't got an idea, write a story anyway.

So many stories are determined before they start.

Make the customer the hero of your brand's story.

But how could you live and have no story to tell?

Start telling the stories that only you can tell.

The Lion King is one of my favorite stories ever.

If you tell the same story five times, it's true.

I think I was always meant to write dark stories.

There's nothing more important than a good story.

I have a story that will make you believe in God.

There are real people behind the [Bible] stories.

My autobiography was simply the story of my life.

Don't ever tell a story like it wasn't about you.

Be unswervingly and eternally loyal to the story.

Tell your own story, and you will be interesting.

You, my lord, are the ending of all true stories.

Every actor chooses their story at the beginning.

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