I'm a writer. I just love telling stories.

People are the story they tell themselves.

True enjoy stories never ever have endings.

We all create stories to protect ourselves.

If wishes were stories, beggars would read.

Television's not going read stories to you.

Death steals everything except our stories.

Every hero is the villain of his own story.

Story book endings, fairytales coming true.

Story is about originality, not duplication

Be wary of listening to stories secondhand.

A good story needs only a good storyteller.

One story sounds good until another is told

Most people don't know how to tell stories.

Most of my stories have some basis in fact.

The truth of the story lies in the details.

The story begins only when the book closes.

The past is just a story we tell ourselves.

We tell ourselves stories in order to live.

I started writing stories in my spare time.

I do get most of the harder-to-get stories.

A story is built on characters and reasons.

I wouldn't trade anything for my story now.

My favorite movie is Closer and Love Story.

It's all about letting the story take over.

Where there is humility, there is no story.

I like having my own story remain my story.

There is no story unless you've written it.

Sometimes I have songs born out of stories.

Every great love starts with a great story.

The world is made up of Stories, not Atoms.

Overnight success stories take a long time.

I know I'm not great at structure and story.

Les Miserables is one of my favorite stories

Faith thanks God in the middle of the story.

You can’t hate someone whose story you know.

Im known for impressions and family stories.

Why write stories? To join the conversation.

Good and bad - this is the story of my life.

What is truer than truth? Answer: the story.

Story, finally, is humanity's autobiography.

A miracle is an invitation into a new story.

As human beings, it's good to build stories.

I love a great conspiracy story. Who doesnt?

History depends on who is telling the story.

It sounds trite, but I like telling stories.

Some stories, you use up. Others use you up.

A story is how we construct our experiences.

A story about my life would be utterly dull.

Don't sell your story, just tell your story.

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