Nothing’s worse than a story without an end.

Stories make it possible for us to be human.

Every love story is a potential grief story.

If something wants to be a story, it will be.

The metaphor is the story, not the character.

Separate the story - your story - from facts.

And the moral of the story is I'm Thom Yorke.

What is China but a people and their stories?

You are the effect of your story, that's all.

As long as we have our stories there is hope.

My story has been the story of my generation.

On the whole, stories don't write themselves.

The story sometimes writes you into a corner.

If you tell a true story, you can't be wrong.

This is an IMAGINARY STORY...aren't they all?

I'm just writing a story that I want to read.

How do we change the world? Change the story.

Each song, you're telling a story and acting.

Albums are chapters. They're part of a story.

Who you are moment to moment is just a story.

I'm in love with kid's stories and animation.

Stories are flight simulators for our brains.

All the truth in the world is held in stories.

Well, we're meant to be writing stories today.

The telling of stories creates the real world.

I'm just basically telling a story of my life.

I like young girls. Their stories are shorter.

Just use the same quotes. It's the same story.

Any story worth telling is worth exaggerating.

Social Media begins with a story - your story.

I can only gesture at what makes a story good.

Every doorway, every intersection has a story.

My favorite short-story writer is John Cheever

Any story worth telling is worth embellishing.

Photography must be integrated with the story.

Every great story seems to begin with a snake.

We drew our inspiration from everyday stories.

Goddess of song, teach me the story of a hero.

A fetish is a story masquerading as an object.

Don't spoil a good story by telling the truth.

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.

Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story.

Most nations have some type of creation story.

The Bible is not only laws, it's also stories.

I love a story that balances pace with detail.

To ask for a map is to say, "Tell me a story."

I love to tell stories. It's a delight for me.

Scars are stories, history written on the body

What I like best is a good story with a moral.

The weirdest love stories are always the best.

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