I don't really strain my voice.

Strain every nerve to gain your point.

Soft is the strain when zephyr gently blows.

When you feel strain, keep your mouth shut if you can.

I tried good taste, but the strain was too much for me.

In a sadly pleasing strain, let the warbling lute complain.

Different taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.

I burned down our house, and that put a strain on our family.

Till old experience do attain To something like prophetic strain.

Those who cannot hear an angry shout may strain to hear a whisper.

No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant association.

A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.

Brexit has been a strain on all of us. In some ways it has paralysed us.

A cobweb is as good as the mightiest cable when there is strain upon it.

... there are spines to which the immobility of worship is not a strain.

Writers who have nothing to say always strain for metaphors to say it in.

Everybody strains after happiness, and the result is that nobody's happy.

Friendship will not stand the strain of very much good advice for very long.

Signing autographs is weird. I'm an introvert, so it's been a strain in that way.

There's nothing that can put more strain on a relationship than running for office.

With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die.

Courage is like a strain of yoghurt culture, if you have some you can have some more.

There was always the paranoid strain in American politics, particularly on the Right.

There's a mystical strain in every country, and eclipses are likely to bring that out.

If it weren't for painting, I wouldn't live; I couldn't bear the extra strain of things.

We manage the fear, I manage the fear, but it certainly takes its toll, the strain does.

I find it a huge strain to be responsible for my tastes and be known and defined by them.

All literature has this moral strain, but in Russian literature, it's particularly sharp.

Let it be remembered, too, that at a time of war, nearly every one is under great strain.

At my club, Portsmouth, my foot pains were diagnosed as a strain of the syndesmotic ligament.

There's not a strong autobiographical strain in my fiction. A few bits of fact here and there.

I think these al Qaeda franchise groups have clearly evolved into a much more dangerous strain.

Decency and tolerance, to be of any value, must be capable of withstanding the severest strain.

I strain to hear, but my old ears, for all their obscene hugeness, pick up nothing but snippets.

The strain of life is what builds our strength. If there is no strain, there will be no strength.

Algae is the perfect food plant. It doubles cell mass every twelve hours, depending on the strain.

I hope to continue doing TV, and I think that what I've learned on 'The Strain' will come in handy.

I have the habit of attention to such excess, that my senses get no rest - but suffer from a constant strain.

I have to have people around who are of a certain strain of humour. I can't deal with people who have no humour.

I think that political marriages are subject to more strain than most precisely because of the nature of politics.

I don't want to wrestle past 35. There's just too much physical strain with 250-pound men slamming into each other.

When his veering gait And every motion of his starry train Seem governed by a strain Of music, audible to him alone.

To return to the books of my childhood is to yield to the strain of nostalgia that is curious about the self I once was.

I will not remain silent, resigned to watch as my fellow prisoners collapse under the strain of slavery-like conditions.

No idea can succeed except at the expense of sacrifice; no one ever escapes without enduring strain from the struggle of life.

Initially, there were a lot of fears that Ebola could mutate to become the airborne Andromeda strain that would wipe us all out.

What breaks capitalism, all that will ever break capitalism, is capitalists. The faster they run the more strain on their heart.

There is an authoritarian strain in all of Leftism-- because the bigger the government, the more it controls other peoples' lives

Strong growth means increased use of energy at a pace that can strain the capacity to supply what is needed at a reasonable price.

Neither of us entered marriage thinking it wouldn't be a strain. Life has strains in it, and he's the person I want to strain with.

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