If you focus on success, you’ll have stress. But if you pursue excellence, success will be guaranteed.

When there is no job related stress, you are more aware of your mate and children, if you are a parent.

OBSTINATE, adj. Inaccessible to the truth as it is manifest in the splendor and stress of our advocacy.

I'm here to make people feel like they can release stress, have a good time, be positive and live life.

Why worry about these small, small things? I don't stress. You never hear of anyone dying of happiness.

Real success means creating a life of meaning through service that fulfills your reason for being here.

When you have a lot of stress around your team the best thing is to try and put a smile on their faces.

I like to let my skin breathe, I don't like to stress it out. I don't like to put it through very much.

You must not only learn to live with tension, you must seek it out. You must learn to thrive on stress.

Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it.

Every night, I have to read a book, so that my mind will stop thinking about things that I stress about.

Being anxious, or in a painful rush of any kind, kills the possibility of meeting anyone with compassion

Stress is the negative whirlwind of emotions that gets imposed on top of our stimulation and engagement.

I may not have made humongous sum of money through acting, but I have enough to lead a stress free life.

Stress is the negative whirlwind of emotions that gets imposed on top of our stimulation and engagement.

It's been a journey of great stress and awakening. I have given my blood sweat and tears to 'Padmavati.'

No stress, no fights. I'm leaving it all behind. No tears, no time to cry. Just making the most of life.

Enjoy the pressure. Enjoy the stress. Enjoy being uncomfortable. And don't shy away from it, embrace it.

The majority of autists - as well as their parents - seem to be genuine victims of environmental stress.

One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you.

I'm guessing the stress of having to write for a deadline can be inspiring. Sometimes, pressure is good.

Most of the stress people experience comes from inappropriately managed commitments they make or accept.

Stress isn't caused by bad times, but by working where you feel your talents are being underappreciated.

A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life.

Always be aware that you have the power to create the naturally stress-free and tranquil life you desire.

The one thing with stress is, you've got to keep your focus on what you can do, not what happened to you.

On the other hand, I have devoted so much energy to reach the top that I accept the stress of being there.

I am a stress buster. Because I knew what people react or think after watching me on screen and I love it.

In times of extreme stress, one can often find energy hidden in even the most exhausted areas of the body.

I think stress is anything going on in our lives that impinges on our capacity to have optimum well being.

Stress is when you're 29 years old, playing for Rochdale, with an expiring contract and a mortgage to pay.

Successful people pay more attention to their visions and goals than to history and the opinions of others.

For years I've been stressing with regard to UFOs that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

I've learned to deal with stress much better now, things don't bother me in the way that they once used to.

Sometimes when people are under stress, they hate to think, and it's the time when they most need to think.

Yoga really helped with stress relief and just not hurting myself when I tour. It really was super helpful.

I'd like to see a world free of strife, stress, pain, hunger, war - a cool place where everyone could live.

The thing I like to stress about TV is that it's a team exercise. You really can't have too much of an ego.

Why are we putting people who are already in a vulnerable position through this dreadful, appalling stress?

The farmers are older; they are under financial stress to produce more margins, yet they keep getting less.

All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.

To improve short-term memory significantly, reduce the stress in your life. And choose your parents wisely.

A simple yet profound way to create a healthy body, a stress-free mind, and a peaceful sense of well-being.

Aside from being a fighter, I am a relaxed person. It is a lifestyle thing for me. I don't stress too much.

I stress the relevance of my work for cancer research because I believe that science must be useful to man.

One point I like to stress is that we should think of coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear, as clean energy.

Change - even change meant to improve our lives - creates stress. We can get comfortable with our problems.

The holidays stress people out so much. I suggest you keep it simple and try to have as much fun as you can.

I think stress is an addiction. It can be tied to work addiction or busyness addiction or success addiction.

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