We die only once, and for such a long time.

I was so against social media for such a long time, but now I can't live without it.

I live for comedy. I've been doing it for such a long time. Comedy is hard in itself.

Gian Luca and I have been together for such a long time, we're in it for the long haul.

I have known Kofi for such a long time. We were in developmental together in Louisville.

I think for such a long time people had this misconception of who I was and what I was about.

I think being on a film set for such a long time made me a technical actor without realizing it.

My parents have a wonderful marriage, for many years. But I can't commit myself for such a long time.

Working with Rajamouli and Karan is home ground for me now, having worked with them for such a long time.

Lots of people said that I have been a comic actor for such a long time, but as a director I was very serious.

For such a long time in my life, I didn't trust my own voice at all. I always tried to do what other people wanted.

When you have to earmark human and monetary resources for such a long time, it starts to hinder your other activities.

First-ever woman to have an iron-man match. It's been such a long time, to be the second woman ever to main event a Raw.

Since I spend such a long time making each book, I only choose books that I'm really interested in and that I really love.

I know my own deficiencies, one of which is that I had lived away from America for such a long time. It's called expatriate.

I talked to a brain specialist who told me when you think like someone else for such a long time, your brain actually changes.

Snooker has just been a British-based sport for such a long time and when I started at 18 the furthest you'd go would be London.

I can reinvent myself. This is why I've stayed such a long time in the business: because I always change; I'm never the same person.

I have makeup on for such a long time that I need to give my skin a break. And at night, I really get clean when I take all my makeup off.

People think that because I was at Liverpool for such a long time - in a period where the club was very successful - that it was bliss all the way.

Administrators guide players and I have played for such a long time, I understand how it feels as a player. You can say I am a player's administrator.

When I see old photos of me on the beach I don't look too bad... but it's hard trying to breathe in for such a long time when I spot the photographers!

Yes, but I - you know, it's been such a long time, I'm sure that I've got cousins and uncles that I've never met before, you know, that I've left behind.

Because our fight has been for such a long time we are isolated from the world, even after reconstruction we don't have much attention from people outside.

I've wanted to be an actor for such a long time that I haven't had anything else in my thoughts. I think my family would have quite liked me to be a lawyer.

I have achieved more than I could have ever imagined and feel very privileged to have played for such a long time alongside some of the greats of the English game.

Because I did gymnastics for such a long time, it's allowed me to stay really physical, and with the krav maga and all that, I can actually do a lot of my own stunts.

I saw what Purple meant to people and I still hear it now when I'm in Europe. I'm always shocked that I'm still asked about Purple because it was such a long time ago.

We, in the late '60s, '70s and '80s, are acting like we have just discovered freedom and liberation. But I'm sure that many women have worked for that for such a long time.

I feel like I've been around for such a long time, as a writer and as an artist, that I need to sort of speak to the way that my perception of the world has sort of changed.

I believe that the Premier League is the best league in the world, and having played in the Premier League for such a long time, it is to my advantage, and I know what to expect.

I'm still so grounded and so regimented, too. I've developed myself for such a long time - my characteristics and who I am - that if I try to change myself, my origins will pull me back.

Maybe it's because I've been an actor for such a long time, but I think, unless you're a big star, you don't really have much control over anything. I've never been able to make any plans.

You know, now it's sinking in. It's taken me a long time to realize - and it is sinking in - how important this book is. And I have a certain distance now. I've done it such a long time ago.

I think when wedding dresses are talked about, every woman has a different set of factors in her mind of what it could be because they've been thinking about it possibly for such a long time.

When I left Spurs I was one of the best defenders in the world and had done so much for such a long time with ultimately little reward. I practically kept the club up on my own for two years.

Well, it was very interesting to play a character and stretch it over such a long time - 12 episodes. I had never done a TV show before, so week to week it was unclear what we would be asked to do.

The playing ground is so uneven, and there have been so many straight characters for such a long time, and so many gay actors that have had to hide their sexuality to get the parts they want to play.

I wonder why it has taken such a long time in our country to understand or look at the potential of plus-size models. So what if they are plus-size, they are confident and have equal enthusiasm for life.

It could be seen as narcissistic to have your own museum, but for me, it's such a long time ago - I have perspective. That young man in the funny clothes - he's almost a stranger, so I can tell his story.

The music is fun. The big difference performing it live is that we might get a little more heated, not as subdued, we'll stretch things out more. It's how you stay fresh after such a long time in the business.

I was with Nightwish for such a long time that I still feel the band as a part of myself. I was one of the most important elements in Nightwish for nine years, and the band was an essential part of myself too.

I've been around for such a long time. My first hit record was over 20 years ago and the people who bought my records then are married now and they probably still play these records and their children like them.

I'm one of those artists that doesn't actually hate my old hits. I love Boston music. I really like 'More than a Feeling.' After playing it to myself in a basement for such a long time, I'm happy to do it out on stage.

Fantastic Beasts, to in any way be associated with that world was amazing, especially having been such a huge fan of JK Rowling for such a long time, it's one of those things I never would have dreamt of being a part of.

It's funny because TV wasn't something that I wanted to do. I wanted to do movies. I'd said a lot of no's to a lot of shows previously because I couldn't fathom being on a show for such a long time and only doing one thing.

When I did 'Amadeus,' I hadn't done a play for five years. And I was so happy doing it and felt so foolish that I hadn't done a play for such a long time that I wanted to go back and really kind of reach out for a classical career.

People's lives change dramatically over such a long time period, and I think that if you're still vital, and you're still interested in writing and things like that, of course your music evolves and reflects where you are in your life.

Men are boys for such a long time and really don't start getting the great roles until they're in their mid-thirties. But then they've got a long time to do them, whereas for women, it's all about playing younger and younger and younger.

I will say that when I first came out to the States to work on 'Jericho,' that was the only time that I've ever been frightened about a job, because in America they tell stories over such a long time, and I was petrified that I'd get bored.

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