I decided there and then to sue the bastards.

The press follow me. I sue them. That's the deal.

I've gotten a lot more disciplined since dating Sue.

I like for Sue Sylvester to be firing on all cylinders.

The more money you make, the more times people sue you.

I don't get to sue just because I don't like something.

A State can sue for negligence as well as fraud damages.

I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers.

I couldn't fart in an elevator without people wanting to sue me.

Work takes me away from my wife, Sue, and my life in Santa Barbara.

'Runaround Sue' was a big record for me, as well as the music video for it.

I think my cruelty hides beneath the surface a lot more than Sue Sylvester's.

I bet after seeing us, George Washington would sue us for calling him 'father.'

We rarely sue anyone, but, like others in the real estate industry, we get sued.

I met Sue Perkins at the Footlights, where she brought the house down at the auditions.

You have undertaken to cheat me. I won't sue you, for the law is too slow. I'll ruin you.

You're not free if you can't sue a financial institution that gets caught ripping you off.

I'd sue the bottom off my husband if he dared to put me in one of his films, and he knows that.

I never sue journalists. I employ journalists. I employ too many of them. I don't sue journalists.

The effect of letting someone sue without showing harm is obvious: It makes it really easy to sue.

You shouldn't have to sue somebody to get justice. It ought to come through administrative process.

Can you sue yourself for plagiarism? If so, then 'Old School' has presented Ivan Reitman with a case.

My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character.

If the radio ever played my music, I would sue them. And they know it, which is why they don't play my music.

I mean, comics fear sue - you know, lawsuits and stuff like that, just because they don't like to do paperwork.

Instead of doing what everybody else does and sue the city of Los Angeles, I decided I was going to run for mayor.

My name, my real name, is Tracy. I always thought I was like a boy named Sue. So I made my friends call me 'Tray.'

I'm not itching to sue Amazon or Wal-Mart... they sell a lot of books. But the future is very uncertain with books.

Sometimes people will sue me to make an example of me but I don't sit home worrying about it; I'm too busy working.

It's better to make fun of yourself because you've always got someone around to make fun of, and they can't sue you.

They do awful things in the press. One newspaper in England said I was 12 years older than I am, and I was ready to sue.

Things aren't right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him, he can sue you. For what, restraint of trade?

When I didn't do 'Runaround Sue' on the 'Ed Sullivan Show,' for example, I didn't listen to my inner voice. I should have.

I have developed a very strong partiality for the dead: they don't talk back, they don't sue, and they don't have angry relatives.

If you were to describe me as teetotal, on behalf of my constituency I'd have to sue; that would lose me every vote in the Highlands.

As a lawyer who has dealt in defamation, I know that someone's reputation has to be lowered in the eyes of right-thinking people to sue.

It costs a lot to sue a magazine, and it's too bad that we don't have a system where the losing team has to pay the winning team's lawyers.

I would never jeopardize classified information. I served my country well and loyally, and I had to sue the C.I.A. on First Amendment grounds.

I love any books by Kelly Sue DeConnick or Marjorie M. Liu; it's lovely to have successful, talented female writers doing great work in comics.

The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Barbra Streisand, Bruce Springsteen, these are just some of the people who threatened to sue if we used their songs.

Poor Harper Seven Beckham, having to live with that name all her life. It's the Boy Named Sue syndrome; at the very least it will toughen her up.

Anybody that worries about somebody suing them, that means that they're so crooked that they sue people, and they think people are gonna sue them.

I learned to write crime novels by reading people I hoped to emulate: people like James Lee Burke, Lawrence Block, Joseph Wambaugh, and Sue Grafton.

Was I a perfect gastric-bypass patient? Yes. Was I a perfect gastric-bypass pregnant woman? No. I made a decision to enjoy my pregnancy... So sue me!

Sadly, most labor attorneys will advise you not to say you're wrong to anyone, because that might lead them to have something they can use to sue you.

I dropped the script in the fireplace, called my agent and said, they can jail me, sue me, but I'm never acting again, unless I can do something worthwhile.

Tom Cruise's attorney said he is going to sue anyone who claims he is gay. In a related story, Ricky Martin's attorney has been hospitalized for exhaustion.

My agent Sue realised after 'Cold Feet' that I could have spent the rest of my life doing similar roles. So she was instrumental in moving me away from that.

I have 40 pounds to lose. It is not the fault of the fast food people, and anyone who's trying to sue the fast food places needs a therapist, not an attorney.

Corbyn sounds like a dreadful town, dresses like a catalogue model for the Sue Ryder shop and won't look significantly different when he's been dead for a week.

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