I'm a deeply superficial person.

I am a deeply superficial person.

Deep down, I'm pretty superficial.

I've never been no superficial cat.

Never lose your sense of the superficial.

TV likes you to talk about the superficial.

Superficial goals lead to superficial results

Liking beauty doesn't mean you're superficial.

L.A. is so fake - girls there are so superficial.

Image is powerful. But image is also superficial.

Image is powerful, but image is also superficial.

To line only for some unknown future is superficial.

In my own sweet way, I'm quite a superficial person.

I want, by understanding myself, to understand others.

I'm not a big method actor. I'm much more superficial.

I'm a deep person. I'm not a superficial person at all.

Painful life is brutal and painless life is superficial.

Failures are like skinned knees, painful but superficial.

I respect my work. But also I think it's very superficial.

It is not hard work that is dreary; it is superficial work.

People are much more important than superficial environments.

I don't let many things that are superficial keep me in a box.

The difference between people and ideas is... only superficial.

Lazy and superficial men and women do not produce superior work.

When you do an album about Africa, you can't be too superficial.

Charm is always genuine; it may be superficial but it isn't false.

I wanted to be a citizen of the world but not in a superficial way.

If the film is not emotional, then it operates on a superficial level.

Vanity is so superficial. It doesn't provide the grounds for progress.

Social media is an advertisement for the superficial extroverted self.

Ask courageous questions. Do not be satisfied with superficial answers.

Your knowledge of what is going on can only be superficial and relative.

Modeling is so... not superficial. Well, I guess it is. But it's boring.

Art cannot result from sophisticated, frivolous, or superficial effects.

It's not being superficial, but looks do attract me from across the gym.

I am all right when I work. I am not superficial and I am not ungrateful.

You become really ugly when you become very superficial and self-obsessed.

It's nice to have material things but they're very superficial aren't they?

It's hard for me to be involved in superficial friendships with other women.

To be interested solely in technique would be a very superficial thing to me.

Show me a person who hasn´t known any sorrow and I´ll show you a superficial.

Most men are petrified of standing out in any way or being thought superficial.

Japa, Bhajana and Kirtana are superficial to the extent that we are not humble.

To have an opinion about somebody you've never met before is pretty superficial.

How good it is for us when the Lord unsettles our lukewarm and superficial lives.

Often I think of personal behavior and judgment errors as being superficial wounds.

I'm just - like, I'm just very over the whole superficial life and world we live in.

When you come right down to it, opinions are the most superficial things about anyone

Tremendous interest in the superficial is very characteristic of cultures in decline.

I grew up in the Episcopal Church in Alaska, but my belief was superficial and flimsy.

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