Presidential leadership needn't always cost money. Look for low- and ...

Presidential leadership needn't always cost money. Look for low- and no-cost options. They can be surprisingly effective.

I'm a surprisingly good rapper.

I am surprisingly very sensitive.

I have a pretty normal life, surprisingly.

'Better Call Saul' gets surprisingly dark.

The buffalo is a surprisingly stupid animal.

It's a surprisingly sacrificial job being an actor.

Surprisingly, I'm not a fan of guns or anything like that!

For a gun-toting nation, Americans are surprisingly passive.

I don't always eat soup for dinner, but it's surprisingly filling.

Performing is the one time I don't have anxiety - surprisingly, right?

Fashion Week is surprisingly very short. At least the actual runway shows are.

'Librarians' is surprisingly touching in a lot of ways where it's not expected.

Oddly, for a book to do well merely because people like it is surprisingly rare.

I'm surprisingly practical in much of my life, but not when it comes to my shoes.

Surprisingly, I think if you're known on the Internet, you're probably an introvert.

We all have enemies, but my enemies would probably describe me as surprisingly ruthless.

Not surprisingly, troubled economic times often beget proselytizers of wacky, extreme ideas.

I personally think that a bouquet of white roses is simple, chic, and surprisingly long-lasting.

Not surprisingly, in most Sunni regions there has little appetite for free U.S.-sponsored elections.

I swear a lot; I always have. So does my husband. Our son, surprisingly, does not swear much at all.

For solving a surprisingly large and varied number of problems, crowds are smarter than individuals.

Caring for your inner child has a powerful and surprisingly quick result: Do it and the child heals.

I love and appreciate the bonding time with Mason. Nursing is surprisingly one of my favorite things.

I attend surprisingly few shows. The type of theater that is popular today just doesn't appeal to me.

Professional comedians, surprisingly, have a lack of humor. They're insensitive to the insanity of our times.

'Where'd You Go, Bernadette' was surprisingly easy and fun to write because I was feeling such strong emotions.

Young poets bewail the passing of love; old poets, the passing of time. There is surprisingly little difference.

I do like the ladies an awful lot. Surprisingly enough, it turns out ladies like me back; I'm a really good guy.

Not surprisingly, the chief way self-published authors get the word out about their books is through the Internet.

Yes, I've been in an igloo. They're surprisingly cozy and warm - small, though, you can't really stand up in some.

I was one of those kids, inner-city youth and finding my way. I made it. I made a success out of myself, surprisingly.

It's surprisingly hard to play a vampire and feel believable. I mean, you want to be able to at least believe yourself.

If I were to pick the life of someone whom I professionally mimic in many ways, it would be Howard Hughes, surprisingly.

Despite the barrage of information about me that is publicly available, I live a surprisingly private and anonymous life.

Newt Gingrich is a boastful kind of guy. But when it comes to Wall Street, the former House speaker is surprisingly modest.

I love food, and not surprisingly, I often suffer from stomach upsets when I overeat in general, let alone when I'm competing.

Nobody can seem more politicised and glamorous than the baby-boomers. But their kids are surprisingly robust and late bloomers.

While fractal geometry is often used in high-tech science, its patterns are surprisingly common in traditional African designs.

Crab meat is surprisingly sweet in its purest form, which is why it is often pepped up with zippy chilli and lifted with citrus.

Mostly I sat down and said, 'I'm not going to write a boring story.' And that actually, surprisingly, solves most of your problems.

I'm someone who loves romance. I always have loved it. Most people who grew up as nerds, as I was, surprisingly, have loved romance.

If you are funding researchers to look primarily for pathology, not surprisingly, that is what they are going to find and report on.

A lot of politicians, not surprisingly, hire consultants to help them with their nonverbals, presence, generally how they come across.

Long-term, perpetual travel is the dream of many. But surprisingly, for such a popular desire, few people realize how accessible it is.

Not surprisingly, there is a cultural divide between American and British actors regarding the self-promotion associated with new media.

I think I'm past any window where I'm suddenly going to become surprisingly ripped so that people go, 'Oh, my God, what happened to you?'

You know, the '80s, as crazy as the '80s were, that was a surprisingly kind and generous environment that I found myself in as a teenager.

I wrote for free for, like, fifteen years; I could redo my parlor in rejection slips. It would be surprisingly tasteful - they use nice paper.

Chinese companies, in their well-capitalized, rapidly growing, and surprisingly lightly regulated markets, have become global innovation leaders.

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