Mackerel is sustainable and healthy.

Obamacare is simply not sustainable.

Civilization can never be sustainable.

Diabetes is not curable. It's sustainable.

A religion without rules or God isn't sustainable.

Investment in businesses creates sustainable jobs.

Sustainable jobs are created by the private sector.

Societies are not sustainable without institutions.

Joy of living is sustainable; fear of dying is not.

We can bring immigration down to sustainable levels.

Writing and thinking is not economically sustainable.

What's personally sustainable is globally sustainable.

It's always a tricky thing, trying to make aid sustainable.

I think if you don't enjoy something, it's not sustainable.

The U.K. is leading the way to build sustainable economies.

Progressive economic policies lead to a sustainable economy.

If we eat healthy and live healthy, then that's sustainable.

In Sydney, it's not sustainable to have 41 council entities.

So-called 'sustainable development'... is meaningless drivel.

Population needs to be stabilised for sustainable development.

I want to build a sustainable winning culture, in every facet.

Uniformity is not very interesting or sustainable - it's boring.

Sustainable development is a proven catalyst for Xerox innovation.

My aim is sustainable fat loss and so I've opted for carb cycling.

Securing a sustainable future will take all of us working together.

Work is the only way - the only sustainable way - to escape poverty.

For WordPress to be world class, it needs to have a sustainable model.

The key to building a sustainable content company is to control costs.

Long-term sustainable change happens if people discover their own power.

A sustainable world means working together to create prosperity for all.

The more you live it, the more sustainable your business approach becomes.

I learned that love is a much more sustainable energy to draw on than hate.

When it's good business to make healthier food, then it becomes sustainable.

Being nomadic isn't sustainable forever. I've gotten to be really good at it.

Fashion is a logical place to start to raise awareness for sustainable causes.

Cutting prices or putting things on sale is not sustainable business strategy.

There is only one possible future for humanity, and that is a sustainable one.

Europe has the potential to pioneer and supply a sustainable worldwide economy.

As our clean energy industries grow, so too will sustainable, well-paying jobs.

To make agriculture sustainable, the grower has got to be able to make a profit.

Justice is one of the core elements towards reconciliation and sustainable peace.

There should be order if the development of the cyber world is to be sustainable.

We need a national focus on increasing the sustainable growth rate of our economy.

Creating sustainable jobs means doubling down on Baltimore's formidable strengths.

Our nation's debt has to be a concern for us all. It is not sustainable long-term.

Any serious shift towards more sustainable societies has to include gender equality.

It is crucial that young people are taught sustainable child production and rearing.

I believe primary and secondary education is the bedrock of any sustainable society.

Getting around San Francisco should be convenient, safe, affordable, and sustainable.

Large podcasts have a successful and sustainable business model in live show touring.

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