Bernie Mac is talented!

I'm a talented designer.

My brother is really talented.

There are many talented people.

Justin Bieber is super talented.

I wasn't talented as a musician.

I know I'm not musically talented.

I've always thought I was talented.

There's no one more talented than me.

When you're talented, you're talented.

The Knicks, they're a very talented team.

I think Selena Gomez is extremely talented.

Geoff Johns is super talented, super smart.

I love working with talented young performers.

Barack Obama is clearly a smart guy, talented.

It is better to be likable than to be talented.

My whole family is pretty talented, I feel like.

I work with talented people. I'm just their tool.

Who knows, maybe I am simply a talented architect?

I am a very talented belcher. Very deep and bassy.

I was never the most talented player on the field.

I'm talented enough to do a lot of different things.

There are many people of color who are very talented.

I was a talented egomaniac with a self-esteem problem.

I admire Gaga. She's very talented and wise, that girl.

A lot of talented actors still have to pay their bills.

I think I am talented - but I also think I'm very lucky.

You do need to get lucky, no matter how talented you are.

Shakira is a talented singer, and I am a huge fan of her.

One of the most talented writers out there is Brian Haig.

You don't necessarily have to be in misery to be talented.

I'm talented, but my work ethic has pushed me over the top.

There are far more talented people doing voice work than I.

In the world of acting, many are thin but few are talented.

I have worked with many, many talented and dedicated people.

I was a tough player, but I wasn't the most talented player.

Brad Pitt is amazingly talented and equally good-looking, too.

I'm as talented as they come. I would have success in any era.

I feel like Sony appreciates good music from a talented artist.

I love Shay Mitchell. She is so beautiful, talented, and sweet.

Be talented enough to make it and stupid enough to keep trying.

Music was the first thing I did where I was naturally talented.

Everybody on our cast is very musically talented, except for me.

I don't think I will be able act; I am not talented in that area.

Some people don't need to work hard because they are so talented.

I tend to fall for the archetypal, talented, charismatic rock boy.

I knew guys way more talented than me who fell through the cracks.

I've always liked Kate Winslet. She's pretty, smart, and talented.

Fleet Foxes are a really talented band. They make beautiful music.

I'm not as smart or talented as anyone around me. But they like me.

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