No one can replace Amanda Tapping.

Someone was tapping on the window.

Phone tapping is bad and should not happen.

I have always felt comfortable tapping into my inner idiot.

Everybody has their own way of tapping into their realness.

It's a very angry electorate out there. I think Trump is tapping into that.

The price of tapping water into every house is that no one values water any more.

I think tapping into one's power and one's potential is a very frightening thing.

Put me on solid ground and I'll start tapping! At my age they say to keep moving.

I love tapping. People don't really get to see that as much, but I love doing that.

It's probably the first type of music we had, rhythm, whether it's poetry or tapping.

When I'm online, I'm alone in a room, tapping on a keyboard, staring at a cathode-ray tube.

I started tapping and I was okay. Then after about two years my feet knew what they were doing!

That's basically what I'm doing when I'm tapping them - getting my toes to the end of my shoes.

If your opponent is tapping, your technique is good. If he is not tapping, your technique sucks.

Four hoarse blasts of a ship's whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping.

We all have that superhero inside us, but it's about tapping into it and embracing it and owning it.

I'm saying: to be continued, until we meet again. Meanwhile, keep on listening and tapping your feet.

Lightning Bolt and Hella are two bands I listen to, and there's a lot of finger tapping going on there.

When I was very young, I just loved the idea of tapping on stuff, so I was always making a lot of noise.

Tapping of phones is a serious business and has to be authenticated by requisite authorities on valid grounds.

My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months.

My ability to be emotive and cry... I think I'm so fearful of tapping that that I won't know how to turn it off.

You're not tapping into the widest possible pool of talent if you're shutting some people out of particular careers.

Virgin America flyers tend to be more likely to be using a mobile device and tapping social networks - even at 35,000 feet.

No-one works for money alone and tapping into what people want from their careers and what they have to offer is essential.

'Daredevil's a great show; I feel like 'Jessica Jones' is a great show, and I feel like they really are tapping into something.

I am tapping into a place in you that is unexplored, and very dangerous, but I think essential to the creative life of an artist.

I've always felt like a kid, and I still feel like a kid, and I've never had any problem tapping into my childhood, and my kid side.

I love movies that make me cry, because they're tapping into a real emotion in me, and I always think afterwards: how did they do that?

We want the reading experience of digital comics to be as simple as tapping a tablet or an arrow key or mouse button to move forward or back.

We developed a technology called artificial swarm intelligence, which is all about tapping the inherent knowledge, wisdom, intuition of groups.

I love planting. I love digging holes, putting plants in, tapping them in. And I love weeding, but I don't like tidying up the garden afterwards.

I wasn't into tapping when it began dying down. Ever since I started, it's been alive for me. I just want to keep on dancing. I want to do it all.

Let's face it: Amanda Tapping's shoes are difficult to fill. She's a great actress and a popular character on 'Stargate'; she's just a lovely person.

The golden rule of drums is hands clapping and feet tapping, and when you are in and out of consciousness, you can't do that to best of your ability.

Quietly, President Obama has done warrantless wire tapping. And it was hardly covered. I don't know if any of the mainstream press bothered to cover it.

My job, professionally, is tapping into stuff. We've all got it. But, I just am fortunate enough that, beyond the age of 11, it's what I do professionally.

Most of my playing style is very on point - the tapping, just by nature of being rhythmic, is tight - so I'd like to explore something looser and less precise.

I love the notion of a dude sitting there with an untuned guitar tapping his foot and just singing his passion out; that's what got me into music in the first place.

I think we all have a lot of darkness in our bellies. As an actor, the challenge of tapping into that, reaching down into that sadness or anger, is very therapeutic.

I've adopted my grandfather's method of tapping talent. It's our ancestors' blessings and the vibe of the company which made actors enjoy working with us on projects.

The conventions of an almighty agency tapping you for greatness and signing you up and telling you this is going to be the next big thing; that has not been my career.

We've always been quite clear about how we want the songs to sound. If we can imagine the song being played at a party, and it gets people tapping their feet, then it's in.

The future of the Republican Party should be tapping into... the feeling of belonging and meaning and pride that comes with being part of this whole 'America First' movement.

We are tapping those people who are unchurched, people who feel they are not religious, those who are spiritual but are not at home with God, those who feel they are not worthy.

You have a generation that is saying we are tapping out of religion in many ways. But what they are not saying is that we are tapping out of a serious search for meaning in life.

When it is working, you completely go into another place, you're tapping into things that are totally universal, completely beyond your ego and your own self. That's what it's all about.

You know, for a long time I have been of the opinion that artists don't necessarily know what they're doing. You don't necessarily know what kind of universal concept you're tapping into.

You know that Mexico has enormous natural gas reservoirs that have yet to be tapped and the technology for tapping these alternative reservoirs continually needs to get better and better.

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