You absolutely cannot be big time tech guy without attending Burning Man.

Silicon Valley is the best place to start a tech company in so many ways.

Tech can be something that can be great for us. We don't need to fear it.

Long story short: I didn't start out thinking I'd be a tech entrepreneur.

I've always loved tech. Loved Apple. That's what I started vlogging about.

In tech communities, we consider disruption the way to lead to innovation.

I am always interested in helping and growing new tech start-ups and ideas.

The best training ground in the world is Silicon Valley and the tech space.

I want to become an entertainment, tech, and business mogul just in general.

Even when the nation's leaders acknowledge tech issues, details are lacking.

Anyone who thinks restaurants are hard should try working at a tech company.

I read Google News and use NetNewsWire to keep up with general and tech news.

Why can't modern tech companies both grow and turn a profit at the same time?

If you think having a tech job is the answer to all your problems, think again.

As far as tech videos go, we try to present things as realistically as possible.

I'm generally pretty excited about new gadgets, new tech, A.I., stuff like that.

When I went into a start-up in tech, I knew I could always go back to a law firm.

The tech titans and the tech guys who I most admire are the ones behind the scenes.

It always makes me super nervous how many tech companies don't have data ethicists.

The tech industry should make bold commitments to address pressing societal issues.

The tech industry has a strong bias towards technical solutions to social problems.

With most tech guys, it's the same outfit every day - they wear their company logo.

I want to be the best quarterback at Texas Tech, the best quarterback in the Big 12.

St. Louis is a customer- and partner-rich environment for any financial tech startup.

I like to consider myself a tech fan. That doesn't mean I'm a tech whiz, by any means.

Tech, in the sense of... putting things together, that goes back beyond memory for me.

My goal was to be the starting quarterback at Texas Tech and I didn't reach that goal.

Net neutrality is a concept that the tech industry rallies around, but it is hypocrisy.

In tech in particular, everyone is so serious all the time and has these grand visions.

I don't think objectively we are in a tech bubble when tech stocks are at a 30 year low.

My drive into high tech doesn't involve a lot of people - just me and a very small team.

I have no people reporting to me and don't expect to. My competency is in the tech realm.

I'm terrible with tech. But I'm good with jargon. I can sound like I know what I'm doing.

You can't be in the tech community... without realizing there's a big shortage of talent.

Clearly communicate your project: Imagine explaining it to someone not familiar with tech.

We are the only country with an operating rover on Mars. We are an amazing country on tech.

Being a female head of a successful tech company means that I'm in a pretty niche category.

The N.Y.C. tech scene is vibrant, and Betabeat will be a great vehicle to cover it in depth.

At the end of the day, tech workers are not robots: they feel, they think, they have values.

I'm a poster child for Luddites. It was a challenge for me to open myself up the tech world.

I knew tech was going to be increasingly important in my lifetime, so I focused on it early.

While nations protect their physical borders, tech platforms leave digital borders wide open.

Apple, of all the global tech companies, was the one that understood why artists make things.

I want to help bring tech jobs to middle America and help us create more innovation clusters.

We are looking for a technology partner, as India is way behind the world as far as tech goes.

I think tech is driving most of the innovation and will continue to for a very, very long time.

I've always had a passion for the tech industry, and I like to help build interesting products.

You don't need to be an engineer or a tech person to benefit from technology. You can hire them.

We have some material on spying by a major government on the tech industry. Industrial espionage.

I've enjoyed my time at Georgia Tech and feel my year here has helped my development as a player.

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