In many aspects of government, as in the tech world and investing, brains and temperament smash experience and seniority out of the park.

The secret is not to make a film that causes something like Virginia Tech to happen. The secret is to make a film that stops it happening.

One day, people in China may be able to see the records of conversations between multinational tech companies and the Chinese authorities.

We need to have women as role models, both inside and outside corporate America's leading tech companies, leading the path for other women.

The idea that either individuals or organisations are 'too big to fail' or that the tech and start-up sector is somehow different is wrong.

David Lander and I met in September of 1965. We were both students at Carnegie Tech, as it was then known. Before the Mellon money came in.

Obama will win the 2012 election, thanks in part to the tech community rallying behind him due to issues like SOPA, visas, and free speech.

What many single male 23-year-old entrepreneurs don't realize is that family tech is a 'big freaking business'. As in, trillions of dollars.

I had no idea what it would be like to be a bomb tech in Baghdad until I got there so I didn't know what to expect. It was very eye-opening.

In the developing world, people often use quite basic technology. Many of the most imaginative schemes are using what we'd count as old tech.

We don't know what the next generation of art is going to look like. We're kind of making it up as we go along. Not unlike the tech industry.

While I'm a venture capitalist who invests in early-stage tech companies, I often feel like a professional emailer and conference call maker.

Before comedy, I worked at a tech company, and before that, I worked on Wall Street. And, honestly, I've never really been sexually harassed.

Because of the way tech is changing, and becoming cheaper and user-friendly, it's becoming easier to make films cheaply, maintaining quality.

NBA players, we're directly involved in the tech world whether we know it or not. Media content and wearables directly influence us every day.

There are people who do things in tech that have the same skill sets that journalists have. They write, they edit, they put out press releases.

We have a few young people who are very successful in it, and this gives us the wrong impression that the whole country can live off high tech.

Food tech has been kind of an area that we have been making a number of investments in. Kind of a big boring industry, but a lot of people eat.

Understanding and respecting your roots is critical not only to winning the tech talent wars but leaving a legacy that transcends bottom lines.

Ultimately, what the tech industry really cares about is ushering in the future, but it conflates technological progress with societal progress.

To be honest, the thing is I don't really like clothes. I mean, it is cool, but I like tech. I am a tech girl. A secret nerd - there, I said it.

I want people to understand and embrace that the art that inspires our technological dreams is just as important as the tech it helps us create.

Many tech company execs who visit to pitch products take time to peruse the shelves and exclaim upon various devices they owned in younger days.

The music industry really has to learn a lesson from the tech industry about what scale means at the end of the day and learning how to monetize.

One goal for Silicon Valley must be to redouble our collective efforts to make sure people of all backgrounds are aware of opportunities in tech.

I had an Ultimate jersey on in my first video. I get a lot of comments about it, because a lot of tech people don't know anything about Ultimate.

Tech is a key driver of social and economic change, and around the world, women like me are transforming businesses, industries, and communities.

If we want little girls and young women and people of color to see they have a place in the tech world, it's up to us to make that place for them.

Most redditors are at least college educated. A number of them have post- or, rather, graduate degrees. A number of them are in the IT tech world.

Let the tech firms and consulting firms build your skills, but be sure to ask yourself, 'Am I maximizing my impact?' 'Am I living up to my values?'

For all the advances in tech that let us try on various guises to play around with who we are, it seems that we just want new ways to be ourselves.

Lego for many parents is the antithesis of the high tech world. We are desperate to wean our little ones away from the tablets and into the bricks.

Facebook's position with rival tech companies boils down to this: if you want access to all the information we've collected, strike a deal with us.

High tech is for a short time. But art is forever. People still admire a Picasso or a Van Gogh. But they don't admire the steam locomotive anymore.

Startupfest is a very positive conference. I think a lot of it has to do with how different culturally it is from other startup or tech conferences.

It's important to dabble in things that interest you, and for me, I'm interested in the tech space that is here in Silicon Valley, fashion and golf.

I think I've done a good job in the industry from the standpoint of employee morale and customer satisfaction, and as an innovative thinker in tech.

New Mexico should be a tech jobs leader and a haven for innovation, a place where the best and the brightest come to bring their products to market.

What the tech industry often forgets is that with age comes wisdom. Older workers are usually better at following direction, mentoring, and leading.

I listen to tech podcasts and read tech news everyday. So I am not unfamiliar with Amazon's practices. I'm not surprised that they bought Comixology.

My best advice to young women looking to get into both travel and tech is to put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone, and be persistent.

New tech explosions create winners and losers, but overall are remarkably positive for the country, middle-class folks, the economy, jobs, and wages.

While there should be collective efforts to increase tech inclusion overall, the industry must work to specifically attract and retain women of color.

The tech community has taken the first step by recognizing that diversity is a strength and realizing that many of them have to work on their culture.

I've spent a career working in tech as a software engineer. And I believe regulated markets are the best way to build and deliver innovative products.

Browbeating the tech industry for a problem that does not exist also draws attention away from the real problems with Google and other tech companies.

Film has lost something in the translation to high tech. It's become so super-real. It's with digital this and stereo that, and everything's like a CD.

So evidently music was a killer app and is a killer app for computer and the Internet; it just took the tech industry a long time to hear that message.

I love San Francisco more than any other city outside of Seattle, but I've seen it go from a vibrant, creative community to a playground for tech bros.

When I was a young man in the 1970s, tech firms were scattered across the developed world. Since then, America has come to dominate tech almost totally.

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