I mean, I don't think the Facebook merger with WhatsApp and Instagram should have been approved. But I'm not for reflexively breaking up tech companies.

It's relatively easy to set up a tech company, join an accelerator, and progress down a pathway towards success. It's more complex to do that with food.

You might call me a tech intermediary. I know how to talk to the people in Silicon Valley and then take that information and explain it to everyone else.

Tech executives have historically been owners of significant portions of their companies' stock so there is a propensity for them to diversify as a rule.

Don't be afraid to learn on the job. No matter how much preparation you've done, the tech industry is changing so fast that we're all learning every day.

In tech, you create the foundation; even sometimes if it doesn't work, you take that same developmental idea, and you use it to apply to a different area.

IT is now reaching out to fuels and chemicals, energy and clean tech, rockets, all kinds of bizarre industries that formerly didn't face much competition.

The 'indistinguishable from magic' thing is highly dependent on where a viewer is looking from and not something intrinsic to any particular sort of tech.

Tech Jacket shares the same tone as Invincible, but the subject matter is very different. Where Invincible is about perfection, Tech Jacket is about flaws.

Why is UCLA and Georgia Tech in China to play a basketball game? Missing all that school, and then force-feeding their fans the idea of 'student-athletes.'

Jazz musicians don't make any money, so I might as well make some on the market. I pick my own stocks - Microsoft, Dell - the tech stocks, the breadwinners.

Tech stocks are trading at a 30-year-low when compared to the multiples of industrials (companies). It's the weirdest bubble when everyone hates everything.

If a tech journalist needs financial security before doing what their conscience dictates, I'm not sure they should be calling themselves journalists at all.

I see tech as... a force that is changing pretty much all parts of our society. It's really sad for me that we don't have enough women that are part of that.

My interests in the world of technology are mainly video games, but I like tech as a means to help solve big issues, such as the demands on natural resources.

I was doing music tech as a subject and learned how to use Logic Pro and that's when I kind of had a platform to put my ideas on. It all just went from there.

India has a large base of tech talent, and I hope that a lot of AI machine learning education online will allow Indian software professionals to break into AI.

The Chinese market is very different. One of the things that I believe is that the biggest, hottest tech trend in China right now is O2O, or online-to-offline.

The paradox is that Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and all the tech giants are bigger fans of music than some of the executives working at major record companies.

The office-as-playground trend was made famous by Google and has spread like an infection across the tech industry. Work can't just be work; work has to be fun.

Tech companies are distracting, dividing and outraging citizens to the point where there is little basis for common ground. This is a direct threat to democracy.

While at Cal Tech I talked a lot with Jon Mathews, then a junior faculty member; he taught me how to use the Institute's computer; we also went on hikes together.

Sequoia is a firm that a lot of people across tech and the Valley look to, and I think they're setting an important example in adding new diversity to their team.

The media people need to have real tech people, and the tech people need media people. Otherwise, you have the 'Star Wars' bar on Tatooine with everyone fighting.

It suddenly occurred to me that the hottest tech startups are solving all the problems of being 20 years old, with cash on hand, because that's who thinks them up.

So in a strong sense with Java it was a learning process for us - there was some tech learning - but the most important learnings were social or behavioral things.

The end of the 'tech bubble' in the year 2000 is, of course, widely recognized, as the NASDAQ stock index erased three-quarters of its value between 2000 and 2003.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your values and intent, then use technology to enable that. What the tech won't do is compensate for a lack of strategy.

People on Twitter can follow tech if they're interested in tech, or business if they're interested in business, or they can follow celebrities that they're fans of.

Big Tech's nonchalance about copyright violation tramples over people like my wife and me, who strive to make a living in the great tradition of the creative realm.

More than stock prices or product launches, Silicon Valley's legacy will be defined by whether tech leaders step up to contribute to the larger American experiment.

Once my ears were open to hearing mentions of 'Shark Tank', I was surprised by how many people in our world, even in our industry, tech and finance, loved the show.

Growth is always essential. Running any tech company, you want to make sure you're growing. Putting in place all of the right structure to be able to ensure growth.

I suppose my professional life can be split into writing books that all sound like infomercial products, most notably 'The 4-Hour Workweek,' and then tech investing.

High tech companies that focus on research, development and production will learn that they can be the perfect complement to our world-renowned agriculture heritage.

We might enjoy essays, TED talks, and even Facebook posts bemoaning our dependency on tech, but judging by our enthusiastic adoption of these services, we're all in.

I think, particularly in our tech industry, this is an industry that has violent innovation and then commoditization, and it's a cycle of innovation/commoditization.

I know about the tech industry in that I follow what apps are hot and software development. I know my way around different browsers. I know how to restart a computer.

The one thing that I know from the personal experiences that I've had with hackers and from people in tech who are brilliant at this thing, is there's a lot of angst.

I remember bumming rides across town to Georgia Tech, trying to get myself registered, trying to apply for financial aid, trying to get their coaches to watch my film.

I'm a strong proponent of green tech for anyone who can afford it, having spent the last 40 years working toward achieving a smaller and smaller eco-impact for myself.

We all remember the tech bubble of the late '90s, but companies like Amazon survived. Wherever there's strong, enduring value, it can last through that kind of turmoil.

I walked around the music industry for a bunch of years, right? I saw a lot of rich people. I didn't see wealthy. I got into the tech industry, I see wealthy every day.

The tech community is a closely knit group, which is why it's so powerful. All of these companies have an affinity for each other, even if they compete with each other.

The tech industry's love for scrappy, accessible founders adds to the pressure. You're expected to lead by example, to roll up your sleeves, to know everything going on.

I'm interested in technology for the masses. Good tech design should not just be for enthusiasts but for the general public. It should be something that touches everyone.

Feedie creates a wonderful symmetry between tech and philanthropy. It also nourishes the users of the app by giving them the opportunity do something incredibly positive.

When technological advancement can go up so exponentially, I do think there's a risk of losing sight of the fact that tech should serve humanity, not the other way around.

I know this golf tournament has my name on it but it's not about me. It's about the Louisiana Tech family. There is nothing greater than being a part of the Bulldog family.

Integrating breakthrough technology into everyday products is always a challenge; at the same time, this is exactly how design makes tech products easily adoptable in life.

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