I feel like I've forcefully been thrust into the tech world, and I've enjoyed every minute of it.

Shutterstock has the tech ethos. Rex has the relationships, packaging, and merchandising know-how.

My parents were always involved in community theatre, and I'd do the tech work and play the child.

No one in tech has ever been as sexist toward me as teachers and rabbis before I was 12 years old.

One phrase we use at Stripe is, 'Most tech companies are building cars. Stripe is building roads.'

Daniel Ek, the C.E.O. of Spotify, is a rock star of the tech world, but he is not long on charisma.

I was a child of a tech family. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist and was always a gadget guy.

None of most powerful tech companies answer to what's best for people, only to what's best for them.

Most buildings, whether they're Gothic cathedrals or Romanesque ones, were high tech for their time.

I built a lot of stuff as a kid. But I was not interested in tech, I thought it wasn't really for me.

There's always a booming market somewhere in tech - you just have to find a good idea for that market.

Millennials' tech and global savvy will make them instrumental in shaping our mobile future worldwide.

There are some people that are trying to cure death, this tech immortality... That seems mentally ill.

I studied acting at Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh because I figured a good comedian certainly could act.

I'm not a tech guy. I'm looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal people's eyes.

What people don't consider is that tech is a really personal purchase. You spend so much time using it.

The podcast 'Note to Self' is 'the tech show about being human'. Human notions of privacy have changed.

History is replete with examples of tech firms that were marginalized by new companies and technologies.

I've had the opportunity to experience firsthand how tech companies can help people in their daily lives.

Out of grad school, I worked as a tech writer for a while before going into computer coding for a living.

If someone is not tech savvy, I have no time for them. I've always been a big believer in looking forward.

If the hard Brexit happens, I would assume that London wouldn't be the centre of the tech world in Europe.

I probably shouldn't admit this since I work in the tech industry, but I still prefer reading paper books.

Saying the Tech Bloom is not commercially driven is like saying Mother Teresa had an interest in the poor.

I am committed to ensuring San Francisco remains a center for tech and the innovation capital of the world.

In 2000, just before the first dot-com bubble burst, it cost a whopping $5 million to launch a tech startup.

Back when I was a student, I had Steve Jobs over to my house for a fireside chat with the GSB High Tech Club.

I care about waking up to the true issues of the 21st century: inequality, diversity, and the impact of tech.

We will hear more regrets from founders of tech companies about the addictive technologies they have launched.

I went to Louisiana Tech, which is just down the road from where we lived. It was an easy college to get into.

We want to teach girls of color the skills they need and create a diversity of voices into the tech community.

If I look at a ref funny, I'm getting a tech. If I say anything wrong on the street, it's on Worldstar or TMZ.

In September of 2001, I was living in the West Village of Manhattan, working from my home for a tech start-up.

I loved playing video games when I was younger, loved playing with Legos - the tech nerd, that was me for sure.

Most tech companies do one trick and die. If you can do two or three or four, that's where wealth gets created.

With tech startups, it's all loose-goosie. You raise money as you go, often from friends, family and investors.

The truth is that you can't really tell how anybody's doing in the tech business for at least five or 10 years.

I'm a tech geek. Whenever I read about something new, I think to myself, How can I take this and make it black?

We're creating this new breed of techies who are going to be the ones starting the tech companies of the future.

Net neutrality rules ensure an equal playing field on the web for everyone, from the start-up to the tech giant.

One of the consistent characteristics of the tech industry is an endless labelling of technology and approaches.

Eighty percent of what doctors do, tech can do at a fraction of the cost - especially your rural doctor in India.

When things were really rolling at Texas Tech, I was a part of something bigger than myself, bigger than football.

It's important to be an ally. You don't have to be a black woman to think we should have more black women in tech.

I want to qualify for the Tour Championship. Being a Georgia Tech grad, playing at East Lake would feel like home.

As a tech optimist, I believe productivity woes can be solved through cleverly imagined and implemented technology.

Padmasree Warrior has been on all the lists. The most powerful women in tech. The most powerful women in the world.

A lot of the foundational philosophical approaches of tech leaders are actually all about decentralization of power.

I've always wanted to get involved in the tech industry, but hadn't come across anything that really clicked for me.

I think of Wakandan technology as organic technology. Most of their tech mimics nature because it comes from nature.

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