May God keep you away from the venom of the cobra, the teeth of the tiger, and the revenge of the Afghans.

His teeth sang in their individual sockets like tuning forks, each one pitch-perfect and clear as ethanol.

Hair is the first thing. And teeth the second. Hair and teeth. A man got those two things he's got it all.

Rooster Teeth has always had a big following in the gamer community, and we are lifelong gamers ourselves.

Science was something that really caught my attention. It was something I really could sink my teeth into.

I have never directed. But I think I could. I have thought about it. I'm a bit long in the tooth to start.

In school I was always the funny-looking, tall, skinny kid that got made fun of because of my weird teeth.

I'm a writer. Now I've started to be on television. I have a big mouth. And I have good TV teeth, they say.

I am God's wheat, and I shall be ground by the teeth of beasts, that I may become the pure bread of Christ.

There are people who laugh to show their fine teeth; and there are those who cry to show their good hearts.

I’d much rather have good teeth than have diamonds and roses drop out of my mouth whenever I said something

Never do anything to a clitoris with your teeth that you wouldn't do to an expensive waterproof wristwatch.

Nature shaped the claw to trap, and the tooth to kill, but the thorn...the thorn's only purpose is to hurt.

I stretch while I am brushing my teeth to save time, and my son likes to join in and thinks it's hilarious.

The dog is man's best friend. He has a tail on one end. Up in front he has teeth. And four legs underneath.

I'm lucky enough to say my day job is acting. I cut my teeth as a theater actor and playwright in New York.

You're asked, 'Do you know kung-fu?' Yeah. That's what we do. We wake up, we brush our teeth, we do kung-fu!

She'd crack A joke sharp as a tin lid Hot from the teeth of the can-opener, And cackle her crack-corn laugh.

When I was younger I smashed my teeth and since I was 12 I've been saying: 'I want veneers! I want veneers!'

I didn't have a sweet tooth, but I liked butter, and I liked sauces, and I liked wine and curry and cheeses.

The most effective sermons are those which make opposers of the Gospel bite their lips and gnash their teeth.

I'm gonna kick your teeth so far down your throat you'll be able to chew your own ass out for pissin' me off.

Your love is a fierce thing, Elena, a thing with claws and teeth when it comes to protecting those you claim.

My teeth became sour as I listened to his story. It was then that I understood why he was quiet all the time.

For those broadcasters who are less than responsible, the FCC needs to have sharper teeth to enforce the law.

Lord Kane beat me up,” one said with a grin. There was blood on his teeth. “Did you see?” “Best. Night. Ever.

I need to brush my teeth. And I need a shower." He grinned, hopping off the bike. "Now that is an invitation.

Let's say you're in a situation where crystal meth can help you. Like, I don't know, you have too many teeth.

The force with which he wanted it both ways made him grit his teeth. What kind of fool wanted it only one way?

Without a doubt, the worst part of being a mom is having to floss my kids' teeth every night. It's so tedious.

Well I just figure any man who risks his neck to save a dog's life isn't going to kill someone for gold teeth.

Like pregnant women lose their teeth feeding the stranger, junkies lose their yellow fangs feeding the monkey.

Losing my teeth didn't impede my acting, but it was a constant worry and meant I was never completely relaxed.

Since I cannot govern my own tongue, though within my own teeth, how can I hope to govern the tongue of others?

You do what you have to do or a bigger demon eats out your liver and uses your spine to pick its teeth. (Caleb)

I've had to sink my teeth into a role that was probably a fried-chicken dinner and make it into a filet mignon.

I am the wheat of God, and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of God.

I wrote 'White Teeth' in the late nineties. I didn't really feel trepidatious about it. It was a different time.

Sometimes, getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it all just hurts.

I've had dentists who have wanted to help me out, but I say, 'You know, I won't work again if you fix my teeth.'

I think my daughter looks beautiful regardless if she's losing her baby teeth or if she's having a bad hair day.

I was not the most attractive child. I had two really big buck teeth. I was horrendous - long, lanky and gangly.

She'll understand what I already know - that death surrounds us all. And it tastes like metal between your teeth.

Before I go to bed, I brush my teeth and take off all my makeup. I like to use Neutrogena's makeup remover wipes.

It was like pulling teeth trying to get me to L.A. I hated it for so long, but now I've got this great life here.

And what can we expect if we haven't any dinner, But to lose our teeth and eyelashes and keep on growing thinner?

If you live among dogs, keep a stick. After all, this is what a hound has teeth for-to bite when he feels like it!

It is natural not to care about a sister certainly not when she is four years older and grinds her teeth at night.

It was great, wasn’t it? Really exciting stuff. (Chris) Like having my teeth drilled without Novocain. (Cassandra)

Whosoever in writing a modern history shall follow the truth too near the heels it may haply strike out his teeth.

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