I think, ultimately, the story of Rooster Teeth is going to be one of longevity.

I was going to get my teeth whitened, but I said, "I'll just get a tan instead."

If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use both feet.

I dreaded the dance scene in 'Love Actually' more than having my teeth extracted.

His smile bore the same relation to a real smile as false teeth do to real teeth.

As long as I have teeth, I'll keep playing. You can't play trumpet without teeth.

I was shaking all over, and it wasn't from the vampire. Memories have teeth, too.

We might knit that knot with our tongues that we shall never undo with our teeth.

I am a professional dancer, so picking up dance steps was like brushing my teeth.

It's no good kicking progress In the teeth - there's nothing wrong with a tractor.

The new Germany has the unquestionable right to hold its tongue between its teeth.

Will Rogers was an American hero - someone you could get your teeth into and love.

I cut my teeth as a journalist writing about societies that didn't have democracy.

My teeth weren't that good to begin with, so hopefully I can get some better ones.

I have to brush my teeth before I go on stage otherwise I don't feel smart enough.

We are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth.

Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental.

Because I am still a little girl who believes in Santa and the tooth fairy and you.

I had teeth that stuck out so far, I used to eat other kids' candy bars by accident.

Quirky is sexy, like scars or chipped teeth. I also like tattoos they're rebellious.

Snowdrops: Theirs is a fragile but hardy celebration... in the very teeth of winter.

I equate exercising with brushing my teeth or taking a shower: It gets my day going.

If they cut off both hands, I will compose music anyway holding the pen in my teeth.

I'm always worried that lipstick is on my teeth or caked in the corners of my mouth.

Coming from where I came from, I was born naked with no teeth. Now I have everything.

The East Village is where I cut my teeth as a kid. I ran around here on a skateboard.

The one thing I always do is I always brush my teeth before I play. I don't know why.

I want to make photographs of very elegant women taking the lipstick off their teeth.

She smiles.Her teeth are crooked. If I knocked them out,I might be doing her a favor.

Hollywood is a community that's so inbred, it's a wonder the children have any teeth.

I'm kind of a private person, and sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get me to talk.

I have a couple of gold teeth. I had braces for a year but I didn't wear the retainer.

Carbon is the currency of how you measure climate change, but water will be the teeth.

Everybody has to have their little tooth of power. Everybody wants to be able to bite.

It is no use for the honorable member to shake his head in the teeth of his own words.

I tell ya, my wife's a lousy cook. After dinner, I don't brush my teeth. I count them.

Speed Racer is good to cut your teeth on, but if anyone has not seen Akira, go get it.

Me and my big mouth! I'd get rid of it, only it's such a handy place to keep my teeth.

Woo! It's so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now," he said through rattling teeth.

Maybe it's the hair. Maybe it's the teeth. Maybe it's the intellect. No, it's the hair.

She surveyed the carnage behind him. "Did you have fun?" He showed her his teeth. "Yes.

No performer should attempt to bite off red-hot iron unless he has a good set of teeth.

Life is a lone wolf, scratching out a living with teeth and claws and a heart of stone.

I don't care what anybody says about Ringo. I cut my rock-n-roll teeth listening to him.

A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.

Take the tale in your teeth, then, and bite till the blood runs, hoping it's not poison.

I wonder how a lioness will manage in a dovecote. Can you put away your teeth and claws?

His time was past, her handmaid Irri declared. No man should live longer than his teeth.

I told my dentist I want a tooth to match the others. He gave my one with four cavities.

I'm glad acting sunk its teeth into me, because now I can't imagine doing anything else.

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