I'd rather be in a tent than in a house.

Never sleep in a small tent with your nemesis.

Sawyer: Alone in your tent? Um, no. You're in my tent

The low green tent Whose curtain never outward swings.

Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general's tent.

Oh, I don't wear a bathing suit. I wear a tent when I go out.

In one of the tents, Julian is sleeping. And in another: Alex

Then I dive into my tent before I do something stupid like cry.

She was so fat that her clothes are made by Omar the tent maker.

I am for a huge, huge tent that espouses conservative principles.

To the Christian death is the exchanging of a tent for a building.

A man should not be a silkworm; nor a nation a tent of caterpillars.

Their houses are all built in the shape of tents, with very high chimneys.

We are in the same tent as the clowns and the freaks - that's show business.

Revolt, for you have nothing to lose but your chains and your [refugee] tents!

What's the sense of sending $2 million missiles to hit a $10 tent that's empty?

Better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.

I pour into the world the eternal streams Wan prophets tent beside, and dream their dreams.

I had this weird, nomadic little tent with a rug over it, like a booth where I'd sing the vocals.

I'm God's messenger from the gypsy tent. And it's the message that's important, not the messenger.

Information is currency. ... Power is a place as well as a verb; it is inside the information tent.

Love, why have you sought the horde of spearsmen, why the tent Achilles pitched beside the river-ford?

The guest of our soul knows our misery; He comes to find an empty tent within us - that is all He asks.

Better to have your enemies inside your tent pissing out, then to have them outside your tent pissing in.

I've been to the Reading festival twice before-as a punter, though I stayed backstage in the hospitality tent!

Economies of scale are a good thing. If we didn't have them, we'd still be living in tents and eating buffalo.

I'd love to go and camp out and live in a tent in the middle of nowhere and see how long I could live and survive.

If there 's a hole in a' your coats, I rede ye tent it; A chiel 's amang ye takin' notes, And, faith, he 'll prent it.

Critic, relent!Your hope for repentanceWill meet with disapppointment.For this is the life,Not desert tents,Not camel's milk!

When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift.

The economy is so bad that bedbugs are now infesting sleeping bags and tents, because they can't afford to stay in hotels anymore.

When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive.

We search for patterns, you see, only to find where the patterns break. And it’s there, in that fissure, that we pitch our tents and wait.

The wound of peace is surety, Surety secure; but modest doubt is called The beacon of the wise, the tent that searches To th' bottom of the worst.

A newspaper is the center of a community, it's one of the tent poles of the community, and that's not going to be replaced by Web sites and blogs.

I got in an argument with a girlfriend inside of a tent. That's a bad place for an argument, because I tried to walk out, and had to slam the flap.

Alex grabbed our things from the bike and bought them inside; then he fastened the tent closed, securing us in. "Come here, babe, I'll keep you warm.

So let me get this straight. You were living in a tent in the woods, but now you're living with Prince Charming and anger management boy? SERIOUSLY?!

A writer is someone who has a one-man tent in the desert and occasionally he sees the footprint of an other writer - in the form of a review or something.

To fully embark on the whole Phish experience, it's all about going to the city they built beforehand, with the fans and tent city or whatever it's called.

Music is never stationary; successive forms and styles are only like so many resting-places - like tents pitched and taken down again on the road to the Ideal.

There weren't paparazzi standing outside. There weren't all these photographers. People really didn't know what fashion was and what was happening in the tents.

When I first saw The Black Kat Boppers I was sat on a hill at a festival and could hear this music in a tent that literally grabbed me by the lapels and dragged me in

The movies have got more corporate, they're making fewer movies in general, and those they are making are all $200-$300m tent-pole releases that eat up all the oxygen.

Disney's clearly in the business of doing giant tent pole movies based on properties that they own. And that's what they should be doing because they're great at doing that.

There's this absurd situation on a movie set where your trailer's here and the set is here and the lunch tent is here, and you're not allowed to get yourself from these three places.

Never work for a company that says people are its most important asset. If you wanted to get a mortgage and you said that your only asset was people you would end up living in a tent.

It was one thing to go to the end of the world; it was quite another thing to make oneself at home there. Even respectability seemed to lose some of its virtue when one practiced it in a tent.

You can certainly shorten things and tighten things, we tightened up Jon's walk to Mance Rayder's tent. That was something that got tightened up a little bit because I had shot the hell out of that.

We had every problems starting a big top could have. The tent fell down on the first day. We had problems getting people into the shows. It was only with the courage and arrogance of youth that we survived.

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