When you look at a movie, you look at a director's thought process.

I find that arduous physical labor can jump-start my thought process.

Education is the best way to relieve someone from a bad thought process.

Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running.

You can have your own thought process about things, but you still need to include and co-exist with other people.

Dialogue is not always the best way to show emotion, to show your thought process, or to reveal yourself, as a character.

If a kid's trying to be the next Danny Green, that's weird for me. That's surreal, humbling and hard to put in a thought process.

Most people end up owning a business by accident. Therefore, they don't usually have a thought process and a strategic plan in place.

There's a certain thought process about actors that they are in Hollywood and they sit around pools and get suntans and just get offered jobs.

I wanted to have a shoe as a professional, and that sparked that creativity and thought process of what that could be like if I could have my own.

I think I have a responsibility as a film-maker to bring not only controversial subject matter to the screen but also to inspire a thought process.

Bands have good nights, and they have bad nights. I'm not going to cover up anything or pretend. For me, personally, that's just my thought process.

Knowing what thought process goes into constructing a line helps an actor know how to deliver that line because you understand the intention behind the writing.

In my mind, a good leader would say, 'OK, I need to sit down and talk to the guys who oppose me. Let me let them voice their opinions; let me get their thought process.'

What I find shocking is that there's this thought process that Hillary Clinton is going to be president of the United States, and to even think of Donald Trump is a joke.

My brother and I have always had this theory that, as stupid as it sounds, in video games, there is a certain hand-eye coordination and a thought process that you can learn.

My thought process was: We had decided to become a B2C company and build the UTV brand and we couldn't be that as a TV producer or ad film-maker or doing in-flight programmes.

With me, I come in the ring and start thinking right away. My thought process is just to put a guy down. I'm like a technician and learn to break it all down - from head to toe.

Screenwriting is always about what people say or do, whereas good writing is about a thought process or an abstract image or an internal monologue, none of which works on screen.

Any time I need to be really physical, and a role requires that, you're kind of viscerally activated by being that physical in it. It takes away the thought process, which is fun.

I think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents, period, not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process.

I felt a little green, because Shakespeare writes the thought process within the text; it was tricky not to think of what to say and then say it, and instead just deliver the lines.

I tried to walk away from standup, but it's been my therapy - my way of expressing anger, disappointments, and fears and celebrating my hopes. It helps to regulate my thought process.

I can give it my all and make plays and dominate my side of the field, but it takes all 11 guys with a certain thought process that we're going to go out there, and we're going to win.

If you don't know much about the field, you're able to ask a set of questions that an expert would never ask, and that allows you a very different thought process and a fresh approach.

Being Welsh means you sometimes get exposed to international football earlier. Again, that helps player development, speeds up their thought process in a different kind of environment.

A song like 'Shooting Star' - the thought process behind writing that song was that I looked around and thought, 'Wow, there's a lot of people dying at that time in the music business.'

There's a reason that I have confidence out there, and it's about how I prepare for games and for series and seasons and whatnot, so we've got to stick with that kind of thought process.

I always work out of uncertainty but when a painting's finished it becomes a fixed idea, apparently a final statement. In time though, uncertainty returns... your thought process goes on.

In 1974, we began franchising. We didn't have any big thought process except that, 'OK, franchising will help us get to our goal of 32 stores and help us run stores farther away from home.'

I'm the kind of person that if I try to throw it hard, it doesn't come out as good. So my whole thought process is to stay smooth, stay on top of the ball, and just get my hand out in front.

My thought process is in Malayalam. So, every time I have to work outside Malayalam, the process is a little stressful. I have to translate my Malayalam thoughts into English and back to Tamil.

When the state or federal government control the education of all of our children, they have the dangerous and illegitimate monopoly to control and influence the thought process of our citizens.

That thought process that somehow other people have to be worse off in order for you to be better off does not work. People get on boats people jump fences to get away from that kind of thought process.

I let previous instances creep up in my thought process sometimes. I think that's where things go awry, and that's where the walks come in. I'm not giving up many hits, just putting them on base for free.

The images attempt to capture scientific thought. They represent the physical manifestation of the thought process. Everything in the laboratory is a product of a stream of conscious or unconscious thought.

That means presenting the issues in certain ways that will appeal to those people and then becoming a prisoner of your own language and thought process. That has always happened - it's just been intensified.

Star Trek wouldn't die. There were a whole lot of young people who were touched by the thought process of science fiction. If you watched a cop show, there wasn't anything that was going to stimulate your mind.

My thought process is I have been lied to so much by people who I thought I could trust that it motivates me to want to be as honest as possible, to project that energy, because that is how I want people to treat me.

If I know I will be working with someone and they are not keen with writing with a girl, I like to be non-threatening and cool so they will trust me. It's a thought process of who work and how I want to present myself.

When you put the interest of a kid on money instead of heart then you're destroying the beauty of our lives and our thought process, which should be about how much responsibilities you carry as an athlete and a citizen.

The thought process of India was more around its potential as a cost arbitrage. We always recognised the potential of India, but we were more coming from how can we fit into cost structure rather than selling things here.

I did 'Pines,' and everybody wanted me to be the bad boy. Then I did Tony in 'Brooklyn,' and everybody wanted me to be the sweet kid. So I just want to keep everybody on their toes. Basically, that was the thought process.

If we fail to appreciate the soul that Easternism gives us, then what we have is a disconnected, Greco-Roman, Western, egocentric, compartmentalized, reductionist, fragmented, linear thought process that counts on cleverness.

It's the sum of the parts that make up the whole, so in my opinion excellence comes from how one undertakes to do something. It all begins with the thought process - which is creative and exalted to produce something out of the ordinary.

Sometimes, when you are not feeling really good is when you tend to write songs because you are internalising everything, and you are examining your thought process, and you are quieter and quite still, so it is when you write things down.

Class does not mean huge possession of money. Mother Teresa was a classy woman. So is Manjula Bhargava, a great mathematician of Indian origin. The concept that you automatically gain class by acquiring money is an outdated thought process.

At age 12, or even eight or nine, athletes were my role models. So when I would say I wanted to be the best, it was just because I was seeing my idols and wanted to do that. I don't think it necessarily was the most realistic thought process.

If a girl is not covered from head to toe, it does not mean she is inviting you to ogle at her. If we are interpreting it that way, it is not the girl, but our upbringing that is to be blamed. It is the thought process that needs to be changed.

If you are part of a religion that very strongly insists that you believe then to decide not to do that is quite a big hurdle to jump over. You never forget the thought process you went through. It becomes part of your whole intellectual picture.

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