Global terrorism threatens every region.

He threatens many that hath injured one.

The coward only threatens when he is safe.

One threatens the innocent who spares the guilty.

Climate change threatens the future of life on this planet.

Encryption threatens to lead all of us to a very dark place.

The only book worth writing is the book that threatens to kill you.

The rising tide of single-parent households threatens American society.

Out of control judicial activism threatens traditional marriage in America.

Human-caused climate change threatens almost every aspect of human existence.

People have become disillusioned with Parliament, and that threatens democracy.

Japan is a bully nation that takes what it wants and threatens any who oppose it.

Nothing more threatens Vladimir Putin than not being able to track his own citizens.

Loss of natural areas threatens our water supply, national security, farms, and health.

I believe Theresa May has failed as leader of our party, which she threatens to destroy.

We are more disturbed by a calamity which threatens us than by one which has befallen us.

The problem in the world is the oppression of man by man; it this which threatens existence.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act doesn't protect women's health. It threatens it.

If the reporter has killed our imagination with his truth, he threatens our life with his lies.

We fight terrorism. It threatens our sovereign, democratic, compassionate and decent way of life.

This deficit that we have threatens our very way of life, and everything needs to be on the table.

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.

He who threatens us will find us deaf to his threats. We are willing to listen only to rational arguments.

Gamergate has grown into a hate group that threatens the stability of the $60 billion a year game industry.

The uncontrolled increase of the euro rate vis-a-vis the dollar threatens employment growth in the euro area.

Liberal idiocy surrounds us all. It threatens to destroy the values and lifestyles that millions of us cherish.

We are the friends of reform; but that is not reform, which, in curing one evil, threatens to inflict a thousand others.

People are foolish if they think I'm going to lose my head and give up anything to anyone just because someone threatens me.

Trump's rise to power, fueled by hatred and portending crisis, threatens to eviscerate our constitutional system of government.

Jacob Rees-Mogg gets his tummy tickled when the ERG threatens to vote against a government bill unless it is amended on policy.

The privatization plan weakens Social Security and threatens our economic security by creating trillions of dollars in new debt.

Everyone knows: if Russia threatens Ukraine and also has its sights on other states, this concerns the global security of Europe.

Even if AAP wins municipal elections we will continue to demand probe into EVM tampering because it threatens the base of democracy.

The study of literature threatens to become a kind of paleontology of failure, and criticism a supercilious psychoanalysis of authors.

Terrorism gravely threatens international peace and security, and as a solution, the power and apparent finality of force are seductive.

There is a danger that threatens everyone in the church, all of us. The danger of worldliness. It leads us to vanity, arrogance and pride.

Gun violence in Chicago is unacceptable. It threatens everything we have done together and all of the progress we have made in other areas.

College costs continue to rise, and student loan debt threatens to price many Americans out of a college education and out of the middle class.

Climate change threatens the wellbeing of every person around the world and can only be addressed through a global response to reduce emissions.

People are afraid of things they don't understand. They don't know how to relate. It threatens their security, their existence, their career, image.

Depression is a horrible, potentially life-threatening illness - but the lives it threatens are almost always those of the people who suffer from it.

Death threatens our speech with futility because death is not just a biological event - it is a reality we fear may rob our living of any significance.

Extreme poverty threatens people's right to life itself and makes impossible the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms essential to a humane way of life.

Press critics worry that the rise of media polarization threatens the foundation of credible, common information that American politics needs to thrive.

I receive underwear - some clean, some not. No joke. My assistant who helps me with my fan mail constantly threatens to quit because of what we get sent.

The Census Bureau can ask citizens very invasive questions, and if they don't respond, the government shows up at their door and threatens them with a fine.

The collapse of the housing bubble sent the world spiraling into recession. The collapse of the energy and commodity bubble threatens to be just as damaging.

The divisiveness that threatens the fabric of our nation - whether due to race, religion, political ideology, gender, sexual orientation, or other - must end.

My professional background has prepared me for a moment like this - to confront and defeat a deadly virus that threatens Americans and people around the globe.

The Yanukovych regime is a mafia, which regularly threatens, imprisons, murders, or disappears political opponents as well as those whose possessions it covets.

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