When I was younger, I was pretty cavalier about my voice - I don't know that I even thought about it that much, to be honest with you.

To be honest with you, I don't male-bash. I don't believe in male-bashing. I write about things that are natural, that happen in life.

I think diversity and multiculturalism on TV and on the screen is such a powerful thing. And to be honest, it's a very American thing.

I feel like a total hippie right now. I'm passionate about all sorts of things - a lot of boring, cuddly Hallmark things, to be honest.

I'm a little bit allergic to the whole brand thing to be honest but maybe it's just happening around me and I'm not really aware of it.

To be honest, it's considered very late to start acting at 11 and a half, for the industry. Most kids are doing it from toddlerhood on.

As an actor, you've to be honest while giving any shot, the camera is same in any medium, the sound system, too. So, it doesn't matter.

I don't look like Catherine Zeta-Jones, so I don't think Hollywood would be that interested in me, to be honest. I just want nice work.

To be honest, I don't really have my own makeup because when I'm not on television or doing a photoshoot or something I barely wear it.

For content creators, it's really important to be honest. Your audience will appreciate if you're stingy with the brands you work with.

Everyone says my family are so lucky to be surrounded by so many sweet treats, but to be honest, the novelty has worn off for the kids.

As cliched as it sounds, music is my only form of expression. So I have to be honest with myself, and with that comes being vulnerable.

I can't say that I have ever been fanatical about a show. To be honest, I'm not a big TV watcher. When I do watch TV, I watch the news.

I'm not the most confident dancer, to be honest. Dancing on film was very difficult for me because you can see it after it's been done.

I'm happy to dance with anyone, to be honest. I've had some great partners, who have all been talented. But not all of them at dancing.

I like people to be honest and transparent. It bothers me when people feel the need to embellish stories to make themselves look better.

To be honest I don't think I was any great shakes as a theatre actor because everything I was doing was really small in size - intimate.

Everyone is like, 'What were you thinking on the podium?' I'm like, I'm just like probably thinking, like, 'We're hungry,' to be honest.

To be honest, I'm really into folk music, and I love Big Phony. I like Priscilla Ahn, and yeah, I really support Asian-American artists.

I am an all-around player. I'm like LeBron James. I can drive, I can shoot, I can pull up. To be honest, you can't game-plan against me.

To be honest, I'm one of the least-technical guitar players around. I just want a guitar to feel good and sound good. That's it, period.

Oddly, I believe that emotional proximity we feel to close loved ones makes it hard to be honest with them about feelings of depression.

I barely listen to the radio, to be honest. I don't want anything infiltrating my ears that I don't want to possibly put out in my song.

I feel it's much easier to be honest or be myself in songs when I'm playing. That's why I felt, 'You know, I'm going to write the truth.'

I wish, to be honest, that there were more myths about me. I wish I was more of a mythical person, and that then I'd have myths to dispel.

I've got to be honest, with every job I do there's a part of me, that child in me, that goes, 'This is the one.' And it rarely actually is.

God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections, admit our failures, and plead to God for clemency.

I'm not oriented by money, to be honest. Everybody thinks we're in the music business for money all of the time. But that's not true for me.

Democrats and all public servants just need to be honest. If we have schools that aren't working ... we need to face the facts and fix them.

I'm just this kid from New Zealand, to be honest. My life has changed, but I'm still that same kid, and I don't think that will ever change.

I think it's important to be honest with yourself about what you want and it's important to be honest with your partner about what you need.

I don't get surprised very often to be honest. I'm the kind of person who you couldn't throw a surprise party for because I'd figure it out.

I eat porridge all week, but Sundays are for something more exciting. I make a mean fry-up - to be honest that's pretty much all I can cook.

To be honest, I don't think I ever had thought I had to be successful. I just saw a need and I liked to be challenged, that's my personality.

People used to talk about my lyrical content and not about my music, and to be honest, I think I have got lazy with my lyrics over the years.

When I was cast as Gendry, I didn't have any of the physical attributes the part required. I was astounded that I got the role, to be honest.

I was surprised to make it even to the finals of the Olympics, and to get first is above me. I don't even know what's going on, to be honest.

I was a professional and did my best to prepare for every fight, but after PRIDE Grand Prix, to be honest, I didn't have motivation to go on.

You've got to be who you are. You've got to be honest with people. If your views change on something, you've got to be willing to express it.

I get pretty terrified, to be honest, when I'm on tour. You really have to muster a lot of ego to go our there, which I find rather draining.

To be honest, I don't think there's anything more exciting than an empty stadium. When you see it empty like that, all you see is possibility.

I believe you have to be honest with yourself. If you believe that the direction you want to go is the right direction, then you should do it.

Definitely, I did not, after 'SNL,' say, 'OK, first I'll go be in Alexander Payne's movie.' I thought I might go back to writing, to be honest.

All I will say is that I'm playing a lot of different roles that, to be honest, are more interesting and demanding than any I've played before.

To be honest, I really enjoy the chance to meet the fans because I've found with 'The Hobbit,' the fans are all really lovely and enthusiastic.

You need to be honest and always see new opportunities coming. So I call it intuition, innovation, execution - these are my working principles.

One-way monologues through the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia don't have much street cred with China's Internet generation, to be honest.

To be honest, a lot of ride-alongs are not that great. There might be one or two calls on the radio - not a lot - depending on what time you go.

To be honest, the thing is I don't really like clothes. I mean, it is cool, but I like tech. I am a tech girl. A secret nerd - there, I said it.

To be honest, proper recognition has only come from the fans. I don't want to be hard, and I don't want to be negative, but I want to be honest.

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