Be it 120 frames or 24 frames or film or theatre, you're trying to be a fully formed human being and trying to be honest.

I just couldn't keep on trying to please people. It was hindering my creative output, and I had to be honest with myself.

To be honest, I know that a lot of Asian parents are secretly shocked and horrified by many aspects of Western parenting.

I love kids, but I have to be honest: I am that person at a dinner party who's a little relieved when the kids go to bed.

If you look at most mainstream filmmaking, to be honest, some of these films aren't even asking questions anymore at all.

I don't want to lie. Always, I want to be honest and I say,I don't think about tomorrow. I don't think about next season.'

To be honest, romantic comedies are one of my favorite type of movies ever. I've seen most of them that are under the sun.

I think, as a filmmaker, it's important to be honest with yourself at all times in terms of what's working and what's not.

Music left my life for a while, to be honest. It wasn't that I didn't like it, but you know, I'm not really a solo player.

I'm not big on rap, to be honest. I just don't get it. It's angry people shouting. I like a song, melodies, people singing.

When you're a kid, to be honest, you could be in the worst situation ever, but you're still going to have ways to enjoy it.

I just like when a guy dresses for comfort, to be honest. If he takes longer to get ready than I do, that's a deal breaker.

I think the first time baby recognises me and smiles is going to be one of the most amazing times of my life, to be honest.

When I did 'Crash,' to be honest with you, it was just another acting job. I just wanted to do as good as I possibly could.

To be honest, I knew nothing about fashion at all. When I decided to go to college, I just wanted to do something different.

To be honest, Brazilian people are fun people, and the country is amazing. It's full of beautiful people. I love the beaches.

In my late teens and early 20s, I worked hard on my roles, but, to be honest, I didn't feel any special commitment to acting.

To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of American soap operas. I grew up Spanish, so I grew up watching a lot of novellas.

I didn't really like the '80s, to be honest with you. There was some good music that came out, but it went a bit disco for me.

I've always just focused on the work, and I've just tried to be honest with the work. If the work speaks to people, fantastic.

To be honest, if I was going to have any kind of fantasy, be it left-wing or otherwise, it wouldn't involve Margaret Thatcher.

To be honest, I hadn't realised the greatness of film music till I was exposed to film songs after I started living in Mumbai.

To be honest, and I may regret saying this, the idea of playing the same character for a very long time is very daunting to me.

I like me some Bape, you know. But I wear anything, to be honest. Adyn, Rick Owens, Givenchy, anything. I shop from everywhere.

To be honest, Peter Pan was one of those fairy tales that I sort of related to, and I think that's the case with a lot of kids.

To be honest, I had a brilliant group of players at Hibs and the support were very fair with me. They didn't make it difficult.

If you're lucky enough to find success at a job that you love then I don't think you have much right to complain, to be honest.

To be honest, I've never told anybody they have bad breath. When I do recognize that, I try not to breathe when they come near.

To be honest, I think for part of my late teens my character didn't really develop very much. I was in a state of cold storage.

Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.

Dexter-Land is a dark and scary place, and I couldn't live there permanently. To be honest, I don't think I even want to visit.

You have to be honest, even when you are upset with your child. Your intentions must be clear. You must never lie to your child.

I had to be honest in my songwriting for it to be where it is, and it's always scary wondering if anyone will connect with that.

You've got to be honest with yourself aesthetically about who could you play. You want to artistically be true to that character.

To be honest, I think that I am a bit of a singer, coming from Wales; being Welsh, we are all very proud of our singing heritage.

I realised that you have to be honest. When you're being open, that's when people connect with you. You just have to be yourself.

To be honest with you, I literally don't even know how to style my hair unless I'm doing an event because I rely on hair stylists.

To be honest, unless you rocket straight to stardom as a gorgeous young vampire, you can spend a lot of time working behind a bar.

To be honest, my friends weren't really as into making films as I was. But I convinced them all to make some zombie films with me.

It's been cool to catch up, but I think I'm done with my exes. To be honest, I went out with flying colors on the majority of them.

I hope I don't get driven to the point where, to be honest, I'm never satisfied. I hope there's some part of me that can be content.

I train with young guys in the offseason just to be honest and keep myself sure, to let myself know if I'm ready or will I be ready.

To be honest, accents are one of those things for me, personally, that usually come quite naturally by just listening to the people.

I am shocked as to how much importance my weight garners in the world we live in. I don't know why it is so important, to be honest.

I'm a hip-hop kind of guy, but to be honest with you, I could listen to R&B all day. Give me some slow jams, and I'm a happy person.

I think the things that can define me is that I'm going to be honest, I'm going to be transparent, I'm going to be as open as I can.

I don't normally cook, but if I did it probably would be beans, sausage, bacon and eggs. I never really get to eat that to be honest.

People want to see politicians who are not afraid to speak the truth. They want them to be honest, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

I want to prove the naysayers wrong. They're everywhere. And to be honest with you, they're all I see, and they're what motivates me.

Every mistake you make allows you to be honest because what's in the dark will come to light, so it's better to be truthful about it.

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