I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.

I believe that we all have the potential to love any human being, and that just love who you wish and celebrate it the best you can.

No one's raising children any more. To love a child, you've got to work for it. You have to change its diapers and feed it at night!

I do happen to love Honey Nut Cheerios. I don't know if I want to walk down to the store in my pajamas for them. But I do love them.

You've gotta learn to love yourself and live your own life. Then you can go out in the world and try and figure everything else out.

I think that people think that since I literally wrote the book on how to love yourself that I love myself all the time, but I don't.

You have to be very fond of men. Very, very fond. You have to be very fond of them to love them. Otherwise they're simply unbearable.

I always used to love couture because it was more theatrical than the runways. The runways always felt more like part of the machine.

Growing up I used to love bands like Free and ELO and the Rolling Stones. When Robert Plant got in touch it made perfect sense to me.

I really can't make no wrong moves out here, because just as quick as you can get people to love you, you can get people to hate you.

I feel like I ask my fans to love themselves a lot, and and I do want people to love themselves. That comes from personal experience.

One part of my job I'll never learn to love is the pre-match warm-up. I hate it with every fibre of my being. It actually disgusts me.

If you write fiction, you have to love your characters. It's like your family. You don't have to like them, but you have to love them.

Maybe I should quit the business. There's no one left for me to love. Mama's dead. Mr. Burns couldn't care less about me. What's left?

We are built to love. Have the bravery to open the heart you have contracted from life's disappointments. This is how the heroes roll.

Allowing myself to love God completely has obviously shed light on my self-love because he loves me more than I could ever love myself.

There's only one thing that everyone in this world has in common: whether you want to love somebody and you want to be loved in return.

It's difficult dating as an actor because your free time is precious. The guy I end up with someday is going to have to love traveling.

I think you ultimately have to love who you're playing. You have to have that kind of feeling. You have to have passion for the person.

I want my fans to love themselves. It's almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.

I'm not the average person so when somebody sees me it's going to be bipolar: it's one or the other, you're going to love me or hate me.

As a child, I was an active Christian. I used to love the school choir and remember the carol service as always such an emotional thing.

It is natural for the mind to believe and for the will to love; so that, for want of true objects, they must attach themselves to false.

It's too distracting to read about yourself. You want to be perfect and you want everyone to love you, and that's never going to happen.

To put yourself in another's place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily.

When you connect to someone on a human level, and you get to know about them, you can begin to love the things that make them different.

Making sensible family rules around cell phones and driving is a way to love yourself, your marriage, your children, and the world well.

I do believe that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute you. I believe that there is power and strength in that.

If you're not going to love the Spurs, just don't talk smack to me about it. And if you're going to talk smack to me about it, be funny.

I wanted to communicate how important it is to love on the people that are in our lives and to take every day with someone as a blessing.

I used to love jumping into the bushes in my back garden, thinking I was jumping into the crowd after I scored in front of the Holte End.

There isn't any formula or method. You learn to love by loving - by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done.

But find something that you absolutely love doing. And then get to love the way you do it. That's the uniqueness of all of us. That's it.

Every life is narrow. Our only escape is not to run away, but to learn to love the people we are and the world in which we find ourselves.

To get to be somebody who gets to love what they do for a living, that's so rare, and so there must be some kind of price you have to pay.

The fact that you can love something that you've lost is all the incentive you need to love again, as opposed to becoming comfortably numb.

It was an amazing adventure, it was my dream to be in an American musical... I really hope you are going to love what you are going to see.

You hate someone whom you really wish to love, but whom you cannot love. Perhaps he himself prevents you. That is a disguised form of love.

We need to stop fighting Christian against Christian. I have no time for anything but trying to love other people. That is a full-time job.

Oxford is Oxford: not a mere receptacle for youth, like Cambridge. Perhaps it wants its inmates to love it rather than to love one another.

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

As an actor, I've always said, half the audience is going to love you, half is going to hate you so just live with it. It's easier that way.

Part of growing up is realizing you learn to love so many people. It's about forming those relationships and finding what will last forever.

I can encourage my daughter to love her body, but what really matters are the observations she makes about my relationship with my own body.

Loving a child doesn't mean giving in to all his whims; to love him is to bring out the best in him, to teach him to love what is difficult.

If people just want to be famous, that's just not enough to get you up at 4 in the morning to go to work. You have to love what you're doing.

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

Jesus never mistreated anyone just because they mistreated Him. He confronted them in a spirit of gentleness and then continued to love them.

We're all different. That's what makes us special. We have to love each other and get on with each other. It's not up to me to judge anybody.

When I wrote my book I wanted to love someone. I wanted to be in love. Now I know that I shall never be in love - and I no longer wish to be.

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