Always been a Cowboys fan. Started as a Deion Sanders fan and learned to love the Cowboys. My dad's a big Cowboys fan too.

I really began to love to read while in high school, and my favorite authors were my heroes: J.D. Salinger, Kurt Vonnegut.

In reality, I don't see myself as a man hunter. In fact, when it comes to love, I am rarely the one to make the first move.

My hunch is that pop culture began to stagnate the moment Americans started to love the past more than they did the future.

A woman can't teach a man how to be a man. But she can teach you how to nurture, how to care, how to love, and how to give.

Writing is sweat and drudgery most of the time. And you have to love it in order to endure the solitude and the discipline.

With girls, friendships are hard because you have to learn to get to a maturity level to love them but not want to be them.

If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy.

Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it.

In real life I've learned to love not wearing any makeup whatsoever, and I'm super low-maintenance when it comes to my hair.

I think being a parent is knowing how to love. Sometimes love is discipline, sometimes it's humor, sometimes it's listening.

My family has grown to love all of the Trumps because they are wonderful people willing to sacrifice much for their country.

To love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is all-consuming and all-encompassing. It is no lukewarm endeavor.

The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.

Children do not give up their innate imagination, curiosity, dreaminess easily. You have to love them to get them to do that.

One common desire that every human being has is to love and be loved. At the end of our lives, it's how we measure our lives.

I think that I used to love Hollywood movies. I remember great phases and moments. But, unfortunately, now is not the moment.

When I wished to sing of love, it turned to sorrow. And when I wished to sing of sorrow, it was transformed for me into love.

I'll wear a crop top if I'm not loving my stomach because it kind of forces me to pay attention to it and to love it, really.

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

Here I am, where I ought to be. A writer must have a place where he or she feels this, a place to love and be irritated with.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort.

Everyone can relate to love, hurt, pain, learning how to forgive, needing to get over, needing the power of God in their life.

You know to me, being a good actor, the most important quality is you've got to love to play, and to just be open to anything.

Sometimes, surely, truth is closer to imagination or to intelligence, to love than to fact? To be accurate is not to be right.

It almost seems that nobody can hate America as much as native Americans. America needs new immigrants to love and cherish it.

It is a woman's nature to be constant - to love one and one only, blindly, tenderly, and for ever - bless them, dear creatures!

Two of man's basic needs are to love and to share. Both of these needs are satisfied in greater or lesser degree by friendship.

I believe when it comes to love, there's something intangible about who we are attracted to, and I don't think I have a pattern.

When you get to the 35-year mark in your career, you make albums for your fans to love you more, so they don't forget about you.

Juicy J was always one of my favorites. For one, he was a producer and I just used to love how he came on his verses every time.

I think there is a lot of space for people to love who they love, and a lot of space for actors to carve a niche for themselves.

When I was a kid, I used to love to play 'Dig Dug.' It was, like, this little dude, where he digs in the dirt and makes tunnels.

It is very difficult, it is perhaps impossible, for someone who loves his mother to love the woman whom your father left her for.

We're not trying to make you less of a man. We just want you to love us as deeply and as wholesomely and as fully as we love you.

One must learn to love, and go through a good deal of suffering to get to it... and the journey is always towards the other soul.

Prayer is an act of love; words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love.

The body, what is it, Father, but a sign To love the force that grows us, to give back What in Thy palm is senselessness and mud?

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.

I don't know what it is to love the way they love-they would jump off a bridge for me. I can't do that. I can only say, I owe you.

I used to love stage above all, but that was when I was a single man. As I get older, the time commitment gets harder for theatre.

We deserve the same things that cis women do, the same things that other humans do, from our social lives to our families to love.

Love is as strict as acting. If you want to love somebody, stand there and do it. If you don't, don't. There are no other choices.

Typically, the theme of my albums, if there is a theme, is, 'How does it feel?' And that always leads to love songs. It just does.

I used to love the Beatles and the Stones and I'd always want to hang out with them, even though they were about seven years older.

I love who I am, and I encourage other people to love and embrace who they are. But it definitely wasn't easy - it took me a while.

I've grown to love it, but I'm not like a lot of other people who were always crazy horror fans like Eli Roth or Quentin Tarantino.

I think love has something to do with allowing a person you claim to love to enter a larger arena than the one you create for them.

To tell the truth is to become beautiful, to begin to love yourself, value yourself. And that's political, in its most profound way.

Wealth is the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships.

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