Life mixes tones all the time.

I'm not really into cool tones personally.

Ring tones are just irritating, aren't they?

The tones of gray, pale turquoise and pink will prevail.

There are only twelve tones and they need to be treated carefully.

In India we have hundreds of skin tones and don't we need to show that?

Love in all eight tones and all five semitones of the word's full octave.

Music is about depth. Music is about harmony. Music is about notes and tones.

Tones sound, and roar and storm about me until I have set them down in notes.

One of the things I do well - I think, anyway - is combining different tones.

'The Descent,' 'Dog Soldiers,' those films, I've loved for years, and the tones of those.

You don't restore people's faith in law and order with shrill tones, but with real policies.

I don't deal in terminology, I deal with expressions: colors, shapes, tones, characteristics.

The voices on the record, that was trying to treat my voice like guitar players treat guitar tones.

And then, of course, most potters, they go in for earth tones and subdued things, and I like color.

Softly the loud peal dies, In passing winds it drowns, But breathes, like perfect joys, Tender tones.

Shadow is a colour as light is, but less brilliant; light and shadow are only the relation of two tones.

It's wonderful that newer brands such as Fenty are making clear statements about being for all skin tones.

'Landfill' by Daughter has calming, rich tones that are only improved upon by the gorgeous voice of Daughter.

Male and female gossip also sounds different, as women use more animated tones, more detail and more feedback.

The fans always ask me, 'Is Si that crazy in real life?' and I said, 'No, hey, he tones it down for television.'

I'm honored people think enough of my playing to chase my sound. Hell, I chase other players' tones all the time.

I really like black. I love wearing black, different aesthetics and shades. I like earth tones. Those are my go-tos.

Mike and I like a balance of tones. We never set out to make an overtly silly show or an overly serious dramatic show.

Yoga changed my body 100 percent. It tones everything and leans you out. Dancer's pose is amazing. It works every muscle!

I really believe in the power of music - and I mean literally the power of musical tones - to rearrange the way you can think.

Circuit training is doing repeated exercises on machines without rest. It tones the sagging skin when one starts to lose weight fast.

Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.

At Bloomington, Indiana, I was invited to listen to music written in quarter tones for four harps and voices. I had to go out to be sick.

One of the color combos that I really love is the tones of technicolor, which older movies would have, these tones of blue and red in them.

When I was on the air a lot my throat and vocal chords got tired. If you don't vary your tones you can't get pretty tired of your own voice.

Cantonese, which has up to nine tones as opposed to the five in Mandarin, is much more versatile and one of the richest dialects in Chinese.

My favourite colour is red, but I also like jewel tones and monochrome, while my preferred shapes include A-line skirts and skinny trousers.

A lot of people with a range of styles and vocal tones make all kinds of music for all sorts of audiences. I'll be forever grateful for that.

One day when I was 8 years old, everyone was talking in hushed tones about a great scientist that had just died. His name was Albert Einstein.

Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong.

I want to live and feel all the shades, tones, and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited.

When I was a child, the world of makeup was so different. There wasn't the wide range of shades available for darker skin tones like there is now.

I am able to write musically about the visual. I can pick up tones, I can pick up themes. And I find visual art is a wonderful launching-off place.

I personally wear a lot of earth tones - does that make me boring? I don't know. I do like a pop of color, like red shoes or a bright orange jacket.

Ever since I was 18 or 19, I've wanted to question the sound, tones, and scale associated with the piano as an instrument symbolic of modern European music.

I'm a big fan of spinning and yoga. To strengthen my core, kick-boxing is really effective. The resistance tones everything, and it's a great stress reliever.

My type, which I didn't realize until somebody pointed out to me, apparently is brunettes with darker skin tones, but that is about it as far as aesthetically.

I want to see the guitar in a non-linear sense that encompasses tones, arrangements, songwriting, audio production, and everything else - you have to do it all.

In the corporate-owned media, men dressed like Ronald Reagan and women dressed like Rita Hayworth disseminate grotesque exaggerations and gossip in authoritative tones.

To me, poetry is spoken - not exclusively, but there's a mix of languages in it. That's what I liked about 'For the Confederate Dead;' it has many different tones to it.

Parents should conduct their arguments in quiet, respectful tones, but in a foreign language. You'd be surprised what an inducement that is to the education of children.

I love the sun, but we don't get on at all; it doesn't agree with my Celtic tones. I also like nothing better than putting on a big ski jacket and feeling the wind in my face.

My music is roots music: it's a combination of growing up on the coast and mucking around with wood and wooden tones and sounds, salt, sand, fire, dogs, and heaps of brothers.

The best of a book is not the thought which it contains, but the thought which it suggests; just as the charm of music dwells not in the tones but in the echoes of our hearts.

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