I do tons of feminine things.

I have tons of music stashed.

I've got tons more stuff to do.

I made tons of mistakes. Who hasn't?

I always write tons of different styles.

I'm perfectly flawed... I've got tons of flaws.

I have tons of jewelry. I like to wear a lot of it.

I do tons of squats, jump squats, and fire hydrants.

There are tons of wonderful places to eat in London.

The lakes in Washington State give us tons of crawfish.

Sixteen Tons was written eight years before I recorded it.

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.

I eat tons of green veggies to keep my PH balance in check.

I like Wade Barrett a lot. I think he has tons of potential.

Besides acting, I have tons of plans but there is time for it.

Making the record was tons of fun, the most fun I've ever had.

When I was growing up, I didn't have tons and tons of friends.

There are tons of black girls modeling, and each one is special.

My first time overseas was taking 10,000 tons of beer to Vietnam.

I drink tons of water. Just as much water as I can possibly drink.

It's a wonderful thing to have a character with tons of attributes.

None of my comedy depended on looks. I never did tons of fat jokes.

I made tons of stop motion films with my friends in my neighborhood.

People already have tons of regular TV. They don't need more of that.

I like coconut water for electrolytes, and I take tons of supplements.

When I wake up, I always drink tons of Guayaki organic yerba mate tea.

You can call me 'Tons of Lard' for all I care, as long as I get to work.

I have no real tattoos. I wear my bruises and tons of scars as my tattoos.

There's tons of people with talent; it's the system that's all screwed up.

I never had tons of friends on tour. I was quiet and went about my business.

Barack Obama has raised tons of money. That is what he means by being green.

I want there to be tons and tons and tons and tons of movies starring women.

I have tons of fans in Canada. I've sold hundreds of thousands of books there.

In reality, there are tons of unrepresented voices that we don't see in comedy.

I listened to the veteran wrestlers that had tons of experience, like Leo Burke.

Panko crumbs have tons of surface area, leading to exceptionally crisp coatings.

I shave my body in all kinds of ways, wear tons of eyeliner and dye my hair pink.

I'd rather have fewer spectacular theaters than tons of cheap little multiplexes.

There's tons of people doing awesome things with comics online - I'm just one dude!

The fin whale is the second largest whale species on Earth, weighing up to 80 tons.

There's tons of point guards in this league. There's good point guards on bad teams.

I read tons of comic books. My favourite is Grant Morrison, a Scottish comic writer.

I drink tons of water, because with the entire running around you can get dehydrated.

D.C. is one my largest audiences. They buy tons of records of mine in Washington, D.C.

Musically, I have more things in common with tons of bands that have no female members.

I get tons of messages every day telling me, 'Your music has provided me with answers.'

I don't eat fast food, I don't eat fried food, and I eat tons of fruits and vegetables.

Fighting is one of those things that gets tons of attention, far more than it deserves.

My parents were kind of like me in that they had tons and tons of weird, amazing stuff.

You have tons of talents everywhere you go, so you can't be stuck to only one promotion.

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