Tough times never last, but tough people do.

Tough times never last, but tough people do.

Losing is tough.

Defeat is tough.

Caring is tough.

I am a tough guy.

My mom was tough.

Drummers are tough.

Parenting is tough.

It's tough being me.

Practices were tough.

Tough like a Ukulele.

You have to be tough.

My mom is really tough.

Hockey is a tough game.

Petr Yan's a tough dude.

Tough times teach trust.

Campaigning ain't tough.

I come from a tough stock.

Be a tough-minded optimist.

I'm just a tough old woman.

I am pretty tough as a boss.

My education was very tough.

'Coexist' was tough to make.

Life is tough, then you die.

I'm a tough critic on myself.

I'm not tough. I'm tenacious.

You've got to be tough to win.

Modeling isn't all that tough.

Life is supposed to get tough.

Tough times make tough people.

Life is tough, but I'm tougher.

I've got a tough act to follow.

Yeah, I have a tough-girl image.

А weekly column is really tough.

Healthcare is a tough situation.

Everyone knows marriage is tough.

Movies portray men as tough guys.

Tough love is the hardest to give.

I am tough but I have a soft side.

I think I'm a really tough player.

Be tough minded but tenderhearted.

I have a tough time judging myself.

It can be tough as a jobbing actor.

It's tough to describe my dream girl

The outside world can be very tough.

Life is rough so you gotta be tough.

Putin is a tough guy. I met him once.

Ignorance is a tough evil to conquer.

There are no tough guys in wrestling.

Every business will face tough times.

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