People like to trace their ancestry.

Happy is he who can trace effects to their causes.

It can be very difficult to trace your birth parents.

It is very hard to trace the effect of words on a life.

You can trace the E Street Band directly back to the Rascals.

You can trace the entire history of Britain by looking at gardens.

I can trace my interest in modern classics to the summer before art college.

Droplets of water would roll around the surface of a lotus leaf and not leave any trace.

I try to trace the connection between the characters and that way a story or plot emerges.

You can go through comic strips alone and study the common man. You can trace our history.

I want to trace my own path by doing the things I have been doing, winning titles, reaching goals.

Genealogy, n. An account of one's descent from a man who did not particularly care to trace his own.

My parents would always trace the sign of the cross on our foreheads before they kissed us goodnight.

An arrow may fly through the air and leave no trace; but an ill thought leaves a trail like a serpent.

Once the last trace of emotion has been eradicated, nothing remains of thought but absolute tautology.

A political convention is not a place where you can come away with any trace of faith in human nature.

After it's finished, sometimes I can trace a path that goes back to the possible source of inspiration.

We can track and see the production of single molecules, trace them and see how they assemble into structures.

I think that's what we're all most terrified about: that we'll just die and disappear and we'll leave no trace.

Words have a genealogy and it's easier to trace the evolution of a single word than the evolution of a language.

When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.

Some historians trace the start of the War on Terror to November 4, 1979, the day the hostages were taken in Tehran.

I'm also a blues musician, and all blues artists can trace their pain to the slavery fields of the Mississippi Delta.

'Without a Trace' analyzes criminal behavior in the special context of a disappearance. We consider it a suspense thriller.

I have friends that tease me about 'Without a Trace;' they say, 'You're really good at saying, 'Have you seen this person?'

Of moral purpose I see no trace in Nature. That is an article of exclusively human manufacture and very much to our credit.

If I sign up for Facebook and want my account destroyed, it is impossible. They keep tabs on you; there will always be a trace.

In the imperfect records left of the anatomy of the ancient Egyptians, no trace of any knowledge of the spleen can be ascertained.

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

Ground elder, introduced by the Romans as a vegetable, is difficult to get rid of because it regrows from the smallest trace of root.

Mobile phones are one of the most insecure devices that were ever available, so they're very easy to trace; they're very easy to tap.

When a man understands the art of seeing, he can trace the spirit of an age and the features of a king even in the knocker on a door.

My shadow in my art is one way I trace who I was and where I have been. My shadow and I have been on a journey for quite a while now!

No trace of slavery ought to mix with the studies of the freeborn man. No study, pursued under compulsion, remains rooted in the memory.

I can trace my environmentally-friendly lifestyle back to my childhood. My father was a conservative Republican that liked to 'conserve'.

Whenever you trace the origin of a skill or practices which played a crucial role in the ascent of man, we usually reach the realm of play.

Fashion is like the ashes left behind by the uniquely shaped flames of the fire, the trace alone revealing that a fire actually took place.

My country stuff, it might sound like Hank Williams - that's just the way it is. But I'd rather sound like Hank Williams than Trace Atkins.

It is easy to say how we love new friends, and what we think of them, but words can never trace out all the fibers that knit us to the old.

I think there's an interest surrounding our family; it's not just Miley, but it's Noah and me and Billy Ray and Branid and Trace and everyone.

The inability to trace DNA to actual diseases has serious consequences. As does the opposite problem - not being able to trace diseases back to DNA.

Data is the fabric of the modern world: just like we walk down pavements, so we trace routes through data, and build knowledge and products out of it.

In England, one without a trace of Royalty will master. Twenty months he will rule; twenty months he will bleed the lands, then his end comes quickly.

Knowing some Greek helped defuse forbidding words - not that I counted much on using them. You'll find only trace elements of this language in the poem.

Beauty is a precious trace that eternity causes to appear to us and that it takes away from us. A manifestation of eternity, and a sign of death as well.

Rather, like the anarchists of the last century, he didn't care if he was killed or not. They just wanted to be known. We found no trace of any conspiracy.

That, for me, is the only real legacy: the idea that one has left a lingering trace in people's memories. In the end, that's all a director can hope to do.

Whether it be in comics, games or film, you can trace the art direction and influences back to some earlier, real-life historic period or artistic movement.

If the means were available, we could trace our ancestry - yours and mine - back to the first blob of life-like material that came into being on the planet.

I think you could go back to any filmmaker or musician or artist, and look at what their input was in their formative years, and you could trace all the lines.

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