You can't trademark the word 'sci-fi.'

It certainly is a positive thing… having a trademark.

You could call my piano my trademark, or one of my trademarks.

I'm a shocker. I like to create controversy. It's my trademark.

I am a shocker. I like to create controversy. It's my trademark.

We don't use the trademark to market anything. It's our identity.

My laugh is filthy. I'd change it if I could, but it's become a trademark.

Without my Johnson trademark mop of yellow hair, I think I would be nothing.

A great trademark is appropriate, dynamic, distinctive, memorable and unique.

Part of my trademark is my blue sunglasses and cross earrings, which I always have.

Unfortunately, the rights to 'System Shock' trademark and copyright are both up in the air.

This is my trademark: I rip my T-shirt. I'm into the whole showing-a-bit-of-chest-hair thing.

Supreme wasn't meant to be a brand... It's a good name, but it's a difficult one to trademark.

When in Rome, I must do as the Romans do. When in America, make Bikram copyright and trademark.

Project Xanadu is essentially my trademark. It was originally, and has returned to my arms as that.

I dyed my hair this crazy red to bid for attention. It has become a trademark, and I've got to keep it this way.

That really is my trademark. Day to day, week in, week out. If something happens and the crowd roars, I shut up.

At our production company, the trademark dish - and this sounds particularly revolting - is curried pickled herring.

The ideal trademark is one that is pushed to its utmost limits in terms of abstraction and ambiguity, yet is still readable.

The trademark Joseph Abboud style is the man first and the clothes second. The guy's the star. Everything else is a supporting actor.

I am explicitly not opening the giant can of worms that is the ongoing current discussion of patent, copyright, and trademark reform.

Too many jazz pianists limit themselves to a personal style, a trademark, so to speak. They confine themselves to one type of playing.

My long, blonde hair has been my trademark ever since I started modelling in the Seventies, when I was scouted sunbathing in St Tropez.

I couldn't pass a senior high school math test right now, but I could probably teach intellectual property and trademark law at Harvard.

The regulatory approach of the Food and Drug Administration and the Patent and Trademark Office has driven up the costs of generic drugs.

I guess I've maintained my hair. I'm like a Donald Trump. I have a good, solid head of hair, and that's been my trademark all these years.

What's lucky about my career in general is that I stumbled into what every writer most wants. Not repeating myself and doing strange things has become my trademark.

My trademark at CNN was really asking insightful questions and making sure people are understanding the connections in humanity, and I think that is the core of education.

If you start becoming withdrawn and looking over your shoulder, being careful about what you say, that's being paranoid. This is an open, accessible team. That's been my trademark for years.

My mother came from St. Thomas. I heard that melody and all I did was actually adapt it. I made my adaptation of sort of an island traditional melody. It did become sort of my trademark tune.

For years I had my hair parted down the middle in a ponytail, tucked down around the sides... Well, I went and cut the bangs, and I've been wearing them ever since. They say it's my trademark.

With his trademark courage and conviction, President Reagan led us out of the Cold War, spreading his vision of freedom, resulting in the release of millions of people from the yoke of communism.

A corporation trademark represents a total program for a company. A good symbol will implement its products. Normally such a symbol will be around for an indefinite future 10, 20, 30 years or more.

I don't know why my smile has become a signature pose. I think it's a nice change. I think people want to see happiness, so a smile is what can bring that. I didn't make it my trademark on purpose.

The question of trademark is pretty unsettled in the open source world. The trademark is important in a consumer product, but there are a few groups who feel it's a restriction they can't live with.

An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

I think before 'Saw' came along, there really wasn't a movie franchise that actually went out there and said, 'We're going to come out with one every year during Halloween and make that our trademark.'

A typical 'Larry King Live' is a pastiche whose absurdism defies parody. Wearing his trademark suspenders and purple shirts, he looks as if he's strapped to the chair with vertical seat belts, unable to eject.

Rick Rubin's undulating face hair is just as famous as his body of work. In homage to the yogis he read about as a boy on Long Island, Rubin hasn't shaved since he was 23. It's long been his registered trademark.

The three-piece suit has become sort of my trademark. You don't see them much anymore. It has several benefits: You may be overdressed on some occasions, but you can manage to fit into a huge range of circumstances.

One of the more surreal days I've ever had in the recording studio was Martin Fry teaching Hugh Grant his old dance moves. Showing him how to do the hair-flip and the point, and all these sort of trademark moves of his.

I knew I wanted to create a character who was nerdy and kind of square, so when I drew a square sponge, everything came together. And originally his name was SpongeBoy, but there we couldn't use that for trademark reasons.

Tra-la-las and doo-be-do's became a Neil Sedaka trademark. I was the king of the tra-la-las and doo-be-do's in the '50s and '60s. But then when I re-recorded 'Breaking Up,' I started with a verse instead of the doo-be-do's!

A lot of artists are scared when they see trumpet players show up - they like, 'Nah, that ain't what I want.' I try to tell them, 'Dude, I'll give you trademark Mannie Fresh, but it's not about keyboards and a drum machine.'

A lot of guys are missing teeth and don't get them fixed until they're done. I think that's pretty much the hockey trademark... guys figure, well, we're going to lose our teeth anyway, so we'll get them fixed when we're done.

I never look for music by genre. I look for an artist who puts a dependable trademark on things. Like Elvis Costello - he's a great songwriter who presents his songs in a number of contexts. I feel the same about my own music.

I was always crazy about New York, dependent on it, scared of it - well, it is dangerous - but beyond that there was the pressure of being young and of not yet having done work you really liked, trademark work, breakthrough work.

The under-funded and over-extended United States Patent and Trademark Office does not have the resources to adequately evaluate the burgeoning number of applications, and too many low-quality patents are being issued as a result.

I think I take what you might call a B-movie story, deal with B-movie subjects, and I treat it as if it's an A-movie in terms of my approach, my crew, my actors, my ethics and so on. I guess that's my trademark or one of them, anyway!

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is marketing. You've got a bunch of faceless people in a back room who trademark a name that sounds very official. Well, if you had thought of it first, you would have been the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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