Each breath is transforming me into thine image.

I want to stop transforming and just start being.

The music industry is transforming fairly rapidly.

The people are the only ones capable of transforming society.

What I find most interesting about acting is transforming myself.

There is no teacher more discriminating or transforming than loss.

Human society sustains itself by transforming nature into garbage.

Our key to transforming anything lies in our ability to reframe it.

I have always been interested in materials and in transforming them.

I thank my mother, Terezinha, for the power of her transforming love.

Let your heart be awakened to the transforming power of gratefulness.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.

We have to keep transforming ourselves to stay relevant for the future.

The Internet: transforming society and shaping the future through chat.

The Paralympic Games is about transforming our perception of the world.

Rumi will transform you, in ways you didn’t know you needed transforming.

The novel moves like all the arts. It's transforming itself all the time.

Love is the only creative, redemptive, transforming power, in the universe.

If we are to transform the world, we must first begin by transforming ourselves.

Thailand was the transforming experience in my life. Thailand is where I grew up.

I know personally the transforming power of the Word of God-it's changed my life.

Climate change is transforming the world in profound ways that continue to evolve.

Transforming a line like that makes it into a belly laugh instead of a laugh against us.

I enjoy doing fashion shows and transforming myself into different looks for photo shoots.

Every one of us must do something to contribute to transforming our community for the better.

What's always intriguing to me is transforming my subjects into a character from another era.

As with so many sectors of the economy, technology is transforming the retail banking sector.

Technology is transforming everything. Who knows what it's doing, we don't really understand it.

For us to stay competitive, we're transforming our services business to be reliable and flexible.

You're never able to please everybody, especially when you're transforming a country like Russia.

I think with art you have to do a bit of transforming of the subject to make the art worth having.

Visiting schools, I'm lucky enough to see the impact that education has in transforming young lives.

Bored with obvious reality, I find my fascination in transforming it into a subjective point of view.

Gay TV has been immensely important in transforming American culture in a more gay-positive direction.

I've always been about how will digital be transforming established businesses, and that's what I've done.

Dr. King's Nobel Prize had a more powerful transforming effect on him than I think he realized at the time.

And if I can take part in it by transforming my own consciousness, then someone else's, I'm happy to do it.

Advertising is the genie which is transforming America into a place of comfort, luxury and ease for millions.

When you tell a story that you know is having an effect on the audience, that, for me, is the transforming thing.

The thing that intrigued me about 'Breaking Bad' from day one was the idea of taking a character and transforming him.

I can affect change by transforming the only thing that I ever had control over in the first place and that is myself.

Buddhism talks about the possibility of transforming greed, hatred, and delusion. But sometimes need turns into greed.

It's clear that many migrant families really support their children and appreciate the transforming power of education.

To me, the most critical thing in agriculture is investing in the peasant agriculture, transforming peasant agriculture.

I come from the theater, where I got into acting because I love transforming. I love nothing more than to be unrecognizable.

It's a privilege to work as an anchor for Univision, but more important, I am amazed by how Latinos are transforming America.

So far, the thing I seem to have been rewarded for in film is leaving myself behind and transforming myself into other people.

The social world is transforming the way we create wealth, work, learn, play, raise our children, and probably the way we think.

As a child, I was very good at sports. I have been training since I was 14. I fell in love with the idea of transforming my body.

I think music has become an extended form of art, and therefore we want to continue to challenge ourselves and keep transforming.

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