It is pleasant to recall past troubles.

An untrampled scorpion troubles no one.

Forget your troubles and just get happy.

Authority figures always attract trouble

Genius is a capacity for taking trouble.

What is your trouble? Mistaken identity.

Great trouble breeds great art, I think.

Every writer I know has trouble writing.

Is twenty hundred kisses such a trouble?

Prohibition has made nothing but trouble

It’s sweet. All this trouble for a kitty.

Every age has its happiness and troubles.

The trouble is, I'm a terrible PR person.

Magic causes as much trouble as it cures.

Nearly all trouble comes from mis-timing.

Trouble with mice is you always kill 'em.

If you're having trouble succeeding, fail.

When I play from my mind I get in trouble.

Troubles forereckoned are doubly suffered.

God never promised us a trouble-free life.

Cause a little trouble. It’s good for you.

You know, I had no trouble with the girls.

I went looking for trouble, and I found it.

Plan ahead or find trouble on the doorstep.

In Literature, only trouble is interesting.

My trouble is I talk first and think later.

No one knows how to love anybody's trouble.

The trouble is I don't believe my unbelief.

The trouble with a mask is it never changes

The minute you hesitate you are in trouble.

When friends are in trouble, America Helps.

Sleep is the best cure for waking troubles.

I've never been in trouble with the police.

I've never had trouble sleeping in my life.

Our trouble is not ignorance, but inaction.

I think I'm going to have a lot of trouble.

a trouble shared is a trouble half endured.

I never have no trouble with my rubber girl.

Changing husbands is only changing troubles.

I don t mind a reasonable amount of trouble.

Such a small thing to cause so much trouble.

If you are out of trouble, watch for danger.

Troubles take wing for the man who can sing.

Wherever there's trouble, look for a priest.

Let's save tomorrow's troubles for tomorrow.

Never forget that I am paid for my troubles!

Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles.

I have trouble saying hu ... hu ... husband.

False friends leave you in times of trouble.

My troubles are over, and I am finally home.

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