You do not achieve anything without trouble, ever.

Feed the alligators and you get bigger alligators.

The trouble with cats is that they've got no tact.

A man used to vicissitudes is not easily dejected.

Give up learning, and put an end to your troubles.

In every trouble the little ones duck more easily.

Many of our troubles are chronic. Life is chronic.

it is not given to everyone to shine in adversity.

Comfort the troubled, and trouble the comfortable.

Trying to double talk, get myself in trouble talk.

Never trouble another for what you can do yourself

Unless your work gives you trouble, it is no good.

Through danger safety comes - through trouble rest.

The trouble with records is that they're too short.

In France that is the one rule, never make trouble.

Fulfillment is often more trouble than it is worth.

[A kitten] gets himself into every kind of trouble.

A dead grief is easier to bear than a live trouble.

If you don't cast well, you can be in real trouble.

I told you I was trouble, you know that I'm no good.

I have lots of ideas. Trouble is, most of them suck.

These heavy troubles are heralds of weighty mercies.

I'd like to rescue people in trouble, like Superman.

If you're not accurate, you'll cause untold trouble.

You have a genius for bringing trouble upon yourself

It was a smile that spelled trouble. With a promise.

The trouble with me is that I like to talk too much.

Boots and shoes are the greatest trouble of my life.

...The world wouldn't be the world, without trouble.

I was a rebellious kid, always getting into trouble.

Money itch is a bad thing. I never had that trouble.

Researching books gets you into nothing but trouble.

With me a change of trouble is as good as a vacation.

I got my heart's desire, and there my troubles began.

Life is funny. If you don't laugh, you're in trouble.

Troubles are like babies - they only grow by nursing.

You know you're in trouble, when the bartender cries.

I believe in social dislocation and creative trouble.

All our troubles come from not being able to be alone.

Troubles hurt the most when they prove self-inflicted.

My trouble was I had a mind but I couldn't make it up!

Nothing in life is permanent, not even one's troubles.

I had a lot of trouble accepting God as a human being.

Iran is nothing but trouble, and always has been that.

For pity's sake, don't start meeting troubles halfway.

I got in trouble my whole life for having a big mouth.

The other teams could make trouble for us if they win.

Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due.

Well, I'm working all the time to stay out of trouble!

Every good thing that comes is accompanied by trouble.

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